Chapter 7 - Hogwarts Express

Start from the beginning

Colette nodded in agreement. "She's the most at ease when she's with you." I smiled, surprised by the comment; Colette's strong suit was not encouragement. It was even something that she was trying. Touching.

James smiled. "She is?"

"Definitely," I affirmed.

"Thanks," he said, seeming content now. "Sorry. I don't know why I was getting so worked up."

"It's fine. I think everyone's been a bit worked up this summer," I said. "Nothing's really been normal."

Colette nodded. "Did you hear Parliament's started holding mass trials?"

I'd heard that, because Colette had ranted to me about it a few days ago when it had first showed up in the Quibbler. The Potters didn't tend to be as up to date on current events as Colette, of course, and that wasn't the sort of thing Wren would find out. I wasn't surprised when James asked, "What on earth does that mean?"

"They try six or seven 'public threats' at a time, basically just generally saying they're all guilty and ushering them away. Mainly people they think are DA members." Colette sighed. "Things are not looking good."

James seemed alarmed. "Wait, are they just throwing people in Azkaban left and right, without even proving they're dangerous? They're throwing DA members in Azkaban?"

"Oh, no, no one's gone to Azkaban," Colette said, rolling her eyes. "They've created detention centers to hold people until they've found a way to prove themselves innocent. Which is impossible, of course."

"Mr. Longbottom's being considered for Azkaban, isn't he?" I asked.

"Yeah. If they can catch him, that is. He's disappeared, and no one knows where."

James nodded. "I knew that. Did you know Mrs. Longbottom was fired?"

I gasped. "No! She's an amazing healer!"

James shrugged. "She's also the wife of the leader of the DA. And I guess she wouldn't give any information about where he is."

"Do you know?" Colette asked.

James shook his head. "I'm not sure even Dad does. He's just gone, but Dad said not to worry about it. He's still leading the DA from the shadows, apparently."

"Wait, so who's the new matron?" I asked.

"I don't know," James said. "Why? Planning on spending as much time in the hospital wing as you normally do?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Stuff it. You've been in there a good bit too, James."

"If you're referring to last June, that was Well—"

"I heard that no one knows anything about the detention centers," Colette said loudly, cutting James off. We both blinked at her; she normally just watched our fights with amusement, and left Wren to change the subject. Right now, though, she seemed a little uncomfortable. "Russey refuses to give any information about them," she continued. "No one's been let out yet, so we don't know what goes on inside.

"Um," James said, obviously trying to adjust. "That's not good. What do you think is going on?"

Colette shrugged. "Probably some basic interrogation tactics, bordering on torture."

I pursed my lips. "That doesn't sound legal."

"It isn't. Well, shouldn't be, at least," Colette said. "Russey's going to pull his 'great endangerment to the public' card, though, and say that locking these people up was his only option. As long as no one can prove he's doing more than simply locking them up, then there's not much the Wizengamot or Parliament can do, and the public probably won't care."

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