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I was sitting on the toilet crying. No. No. No. No! I can't be this is impossible! I yell and cried and screamed. I just wanted to end my life. What if I die when I have it? Natsu comes in the room and his smiled dropped when he seen me. 

"What the fuck are you doing Lucy?" He asked hella mad. I cried in his shoulder and hugged him tight.

"I'm pregnant..." I say looking up at him. He smiled really big and yelled yes. I watched him as he danced around. I sit on the bed and holded my head. I screamed really loud and Natsu stops dancing.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I put my head down and started crying. No. No. No. No! he came to me and kissed me. I sob on to his shoulder. He kissed my head. "It's gonna be ok... You're gonna be a good mother, I know it." he says and I smile. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. my friends walked in my room and looked at my test.

"OMG! YOU'RE PREGNANT???" they all yell and hugged me. I go downstairs and eat some noodles. I never at noodles but I was craving it. I ate a whole box in a week. We went to see my doctor and I'm having a girl. I'm also 7 weeks off. My belly was getting bigger by the moment. Natsu got me some more noodles.

/Nine months later./

Then I started craving Mexican food. Tacos, burritos, tamales, you name it!  Natsu was getting tired of buying me food. He was out buying me a taco and my water broke! Fuck,Fuck,Fuck.FUCK! I call him but it went straight to voicemail. Then I call Levy.

L- Come here now! My water just broke!!

LE- Ok coming right now!

L- Hurry!

-Dead Line-

Levy bursts through the door and saw me on the floor. She picks me up and brings me to her car.

"The moment he fires up is when I get Pregnant! Why Natsu?" I scream as I breathing in and out. Levy laughs at my remarks.

"Guess what? I'm pregnant to! Jeez!" she barks at me. I stop screaming and cried out in pain as we were halfway. She has to stop driving and deliver them her self. 

"Levy they're coming out! Pull over!!" she did what I said and we see Natsu in a car behind us. We walk to the car and he was all up on some girl. I get tears in my eyes and knock on the car window.

Natsu's P.O.V

I was with a girl in her car because I was too drunk to drive and she kissed me and we made out. Then there was a knock on the door  and I see Lucy. She was crying.

"Hey baby.." She  started glaring at the girl. "Hey is there anyway you're new girlfriend can deliver my baby?" She ask. 

"Uhh... Sure come here.." The girl said. "I have a lot of practice." She walked over to Lucy and delivered the baby. 

Lucy's P. O.V

"So what are you gonna name her?" Levy asks me. I looked up at Natsu. 

"Nashi Lucy Dragneel." I say and walked to Levy's  car with my daughter. I finally go home and put her in her bed.

 I finally go home and put her in her bed

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Natsu puts his hand on her when I did. I look up and see him. I grab my baby and left. 

"Lucy baby wait! I-i-i can explain.."

"Explain what?! That you cheated on me? Or that you kissed her in a car?! I'm done! I'm gonna live with my baby and we can live happy lives. I mean why do you even go out? What am I doing so wrong that you have to cheat on me?! Just get out! Leave my face! I'm sitting in her alone while you all up on her! Fuck man! Go get out my house! Leave!" I yell crying. He walks towards me and slaps me hard across my face.

"Don't you ever and I mean ever yell at me! I beat you until you're black and blue. And yes! You're doing something wrong. You were pregnant and I couldn't get sex. But I will now.. I'm gonna get it right now... Get undressed. Now!" He yells.

"No you son of a bitch. Go back to you're hoe! My baby is mine you can make yourself another right? Exactly! You're so hot that all the girls drool. When you proposed to me I was so happy thinking about our life together! How are you gonna change that by cheating? Hell no! Man fuck you! I'm calling Levy.. Man I have to leave." I say getting my phone out and dialing Levy's number. Natsu grabbed my phone and threw it. He kissed me and started crying.

"I'm so sorry..... I'm so so sorry.... Please don't leave. Please." He says and I looked down at him....

My Sexy Maid [Slowly Editing]Where stories live. Discover now