Chapter 3: A Surprise

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I must've sounded angry. That's probably why she went inside. She doesn't want to talk right now.

But I do lash out sometimes, and she knows that. So she probably isn't that upset, right?

I sigh and stand up, and stick my hands in my pockets, then kick a pile of dirt. It billows up in the air. I walk back to the house. I walk down the corridor into the dining room.

"Hermione?" I call out when i don't see her in the dining room.

"'omin'!" I hear. She walks in from the kitchen, chewing what I think is pie, for there's a slice of pie with the tip cut off in one hand, and an untouched slice in the other. She hands me the untouched one.

"Thanks," I mumble. I set it on the table, then grab Hermione's slice and set it on the table.

"I'm sorry, Mione," I say, taking her hands in mine. "I didn't mean to snap." I watch as Ginny comes down the stairs and across the room, heading to the kitchen. She eyes me suspiciously, then disappears into the kitchen. I turn back to Hermione.

"Forgive me?"

"Of course, Draco." She smiles, then picks up her plate and walks to the door. "Wanna eat outside? It's nice out."



Mrs. Weasley asks me to stay for dinner, but I decline; I tell her that I have to go figure things out with my parents.

"Where you going?" Hermione asks, since I had only told Mrs. Weasley where I was going.

"I wanna go sort things out with Father...I probably won't be able to stop him from being against you, but I'm gonna try."

"Let me come with you," she whines.

"I can't, Hermione. I don't want Father to hurt you. You'll be safer here."

"But -"

I disapparate before she says anything further.

I appear right outside the gate of the mansion. I walk up the path to the front door, and turn the knob and walk inside.


"It's me, Mother."

She's sitting in a chair in front of the fire place.

"Where's Father?" I ask. I look around the room, though I don't see him.

"He left," she says simply.

"He left?" I say. "What do you mean, 'he left'?"

"He just...left."

So much for a further explanation.

"Well, do you know where he went?" I ask impatiently.


"Do you know when he'll be back?"


I throw my hands up in the air.

(A/N: "sayin' aayyyyoooo, my name is draaacoooo")

"Okay," I say, "forget it."

"Draco, honey, wait."

I stop walking to the door and turn around. "What?"

"Come over here for a second."

I follow Mother into the kitchen, and immediately freeze in my tracks. The hairs on the back of my neck rise, and it's useless to try to escape.

"Hello again, Draco."

A/N: oooooooooo what's gonna happen? >:) lol, sorry for the shortness.

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