Chapter 1: A Talk

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I sit at the long oak table and finish up the last of the invites. Ginny sits across from me, helping with the favors. Harry had been dragged into the kitchen by Mrs. Weasley a few minutes ago to make some pies for all of us to share. Ron was ignoring me, standing in the doorframe and not moving as people said they needed to get through to the other side of the door.

"Hermione, this is just so exciting," Ginny says. She smiles widely.

"Oh, isn't it!" I exclaim. Draco had gone home to visit his mother after school ended, and I haven't seen him for a couple months. We always send owls back and forth, though. He told me he would come visit this week sometime, the week before the next school year at Hogwarts. We aren't going, of course. We all graduated last year. And Draco proposed to me. I haven't stopped smiling since.

"Ron, won't you sit down?" Mrs. Weasley calls out. Ron grunts and makes his way up the stairs. I sigh.

"Hey," Ginny says, reaching out to touch my hand. "Don't worry about him. Worry about yourself and your wedding."

"Haha, yeah I know. But I'd like Ron to just accept that I chose Draco. Me and Ron weren't dating in the first place so why would he care?" Saying that made me feel like a teenager or a little girl.

"Did you ever think that Ron might be jealous...?"

I hadn't. But I need him to stop being hung up on me and accept that I don't want to be with him.

"I'll go talk to him," I say. Ginny nods a little. I stand up and walk up the stairs, and enter the abnormally bright orange room of Ronald Weasley.

"Hey," I say. He looks up. "Can I come in?"

He nods, and I walk over and sit beside him on the bed.

"You okay?" I ask.

"If you think that I'm totally cool with you marrying the enemy, then yeah. I'm great."

"Ron, he isn't the enemy."

"He has been for what, the past eight years? How do you know if he's still a death eater? What if Mr. Malfoy completely disapproves and tries to kill you? Even worse, what if You-Know-Who comes back and recruits Malfoy, and you have to become a death eater too?"

"Ron," I say impatiently, "I know Draco wouldn't do anything to hurt me. And I don't care if Lucius disapproves, because Draco and I are going to work it out and figure out how to start living together."

"I'm just worried about you, Hermione," he says quietly. I look at him and sigh. I place my hand on his shoulder.

"I'll be okay, Ron," I reassure him. He gives a weak smile.

"Just come by when you're upset, okay?"

"Of course."

I stand up and walk back downstairs.

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