Chapter 5: The Wistful Bull

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Ariadne POV

"Oh, God!" I muttered while slowly rising from where I was seated.

"I knew it!" my sudden outburst made them exchange glances as if I'm out of my mind.

"You people are bunch of psychopaths and you're gonna kill me!" the idea made me hyperventilate.

I saw Gemma laughing while Genna rolled her eyes. Their act send me from hysterical to furious real quick.
Ignoring the twins I then noticed Andromeda shaking her head.

"Please calm down and have a seat. Let's talk about this." She told me.
I just nodded and went back to where I was seating earlier. I don't really trust her but I want to know what's happening to me plus I am afraid she'll control me again just like what happened earlier in the woods. I don't know but when she commanded me back there, it was like my energy was being suppressed in my head and I felt like its going to explode which left me with no other reason but to follow her. Just the thought of how I felt made me cringe.

"Can you tell me about yourself first and tell me how you found out about your ability?" Andromeda asked startling me from my thoughts.

I hesitated. Should I trust this woman? I don't know her at all and the last time I remember she over powered me just by speaking and I'm afraid they're just tricking me. However, she and the twins are like me. They have powers. They might know what I am or what's happening to me. They might be the answer I've been seeking ever since.

My will to know anything overcome my doubts.

"I'm Ariadne Torres, I found out about this ability three years ago when I was sixteen."


My dad and I were out in the forest to pick firewood that we can use. Winter is coming and we need to get as much as we can. Being the only child, I tend to help my dad with everything since he's not getting any younger.

I don't know where on Earthmy mother is. Dad said that she left us when I was two and he haven't heard anything from her ever since.

It was okay to me though since my dad gives me everything I need. Though sometimes I think about how it feels and how it's like to have a mother, I always push those thoughts away not wanting to trouble myself from looking for something or someone that I cannot find.

I was lost at my thoughts when I realized I have wandered away from where my dad and I was originally at. I tried going back but I really dont know which direction to go.

"Daaaad!" I called hoping thay he will hear me and come any second from now.

Unfortunately, he never answered nor came. I was scared as shit that time. I don't know how to go home and the fact that I'm in the middle of the woods didn't help at all.

I heard some branches snapped and dry leaves on the ground crunch but I don't see anyone.

"Who- who's th-there?" I stammered.

Then I heard a growl not far away behind me. When I face to check what it is, the sight made my feet glued in the ground.

A silhouette of a large dog with bloody red eyes watching every inch of me. It's canines long and bloody making me flinch mentally.

What made me drop my knees to the ground was the silhouette of a man. One of the wolf/dog's paws is on the man's head.

Adjusting my sight, I then saw that the man's white shirt is bloodied and no signs of life is to be found.

My chest was heaving. My senses stoped working. My eyes focused to the man, my ears only hear the loud beating of my heart and then my world start crashing down.

My father. The dead man under the wolf's paws is my father.

My tears found its way out of my eyes. Everything became blurred.

I saw the glint in the dog's eyes then crushed my dad's head using it's paws.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" is all that I was able to say.

The sight made me want to puke. Anguish seeped every inch of me then I felt anger slowly flow through my veins.

Soon after that, I felt something in my stomach. Something that wants to be inbound. I don't know what it is but I let it flow through me.

Next think I know, I was in pain. It was like I'm being tortured. I heard my bones snapping, my skin turning into fur then my mouth became snout. Then my canines itched as it elongated.

Once the transformation was over, I felt a new-found energy emanating from me.

And like instinct I began to attack the other animal.

Though the animal was able to dodge most of the hit I made, I was able to land some hit. I continued to attacking it when I realized that the animal made no effort to attack me back.

"Coward!" I thought to myself.

"I can kill you right now, right here but my boss wants all of you alive." I heard someone talk to me in my mind which made me stumble back.

Is it possible? This animal just fucking talked to me!

"We will see you all soon, tell them that when you find the others."

The animal just disappeared like a smoke after I heard those words leaving me blinking in disbelief.

When I felt no other presence, I slowly approached my dead father and howl in agony....

End of flashback...

I realized I was crying as I reminisce my past. I wiped my tears and cleared my throat.

"Since then I was living alone and working to support myself and my studies. Then recently I met Conrad, my boyfriend." I said not including the fact that Conrad has powers as well. I needed to know if they're motives first.

As soon as I finished talking, Andromeda slammed her fist on her desk making me and Gemma recoiled in shock.

I didn't realize Genna was out until she came in rushing with a tray of food in hand.

"What's going on?!?" Genna asked, wanting to know what the commotion was all about.

"The fucking son of a bitch dispatched his hellhounds here on Earth." Andromeda said in between gritted teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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