Chapter 4: The Shape-Shifter

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Andromeda's POV

It’s been two weeks since I found out about the twins being Gemini’s descendants.

Like Genna’s wish. Funeral arrangements were done for their mother. The latter’s ashes were cast by the sea. The twins said they want their mother to be one with the wind so they could feel her anywhere.
The idea amused me knowing that Gemini is an air elemental. I don’t know if it is connected to that or they’re just being sentimental.

Those two weeks just passed like that. Nothing happened. Since the twins are now orphan. I decided to keep them so that I can keep an eye on them and train them as well. To be honest, I’m being impatient already. I’ve been moving at a snail’s pace for three years and now that I have Gemini’s descendants, it makes me want to move faster.

I've been spending my time here at my study room thinking about how I will be able to convince the twins to help me find the other zodiacs when Genna came rushing in startling my thoughts.

“Ms. Light— I… ahhh— I think— I found—come with me..” she said in between pants.

Even though I wasn’t able to fully understand, her being in a rush made me uneasy.

“Where?” I asked.

She motioned me for me to follow. I then grabbed the pocket watch and my coat before heading out.

I found myself running with Genna into the woods behind the school.

“What’s going on Genna? Where are we going?”

“Ms. Light. I’m so sorry if I wasn’t able to explain. We need to get there as soon as possible before Gemma gets hurt.” she answered me, concern obvious in her voice.

I grab her wrist to stop her. Genna gave me a questioning look.

“I need you to calm down and explain everything to me before we go there. I’m not gonna go to war without bullets.” I demanded.

“Gemma got on a fight. Arrrgh. I don’t know what’s with her bit she started flirting with this guy and next thing I know she’s using her powers against that guy’s girlfriend.” she said as she continued to walk-run.

“Gemma always do this thing. She always put us in trouble. She should know how to control herself.” Genna angrily muttered while I mentally take note to train their self-control.

“This girl you said. Do you think she’s one of you?” I uttered curiously as I continue to follow her pace.

Giving me a side glance, she answered. “I think so. She’s transforming from one animal to another.”

I was dumbfounded with what she said. It is indeed an ability of one of the zodiacs.

Both of our chest were heaving as we arrive. I can feel the power emanating where Gemma and the other zodiac are fighting.

They saw Gemma throwing everything, logs and rocks, to the other girl’s location as the latter hide behind.

“You fucking whore! Is that all you got you coward!?” the unknown girl shouted angrily.

“Oh shut up. You can’t even come near me!” Gemma teased back making her opponent angry.

“We’ll see about that!” the girl shouted back.

As the girl said those words,  she then transformed into an eagle and flew straight to Gemma’s spot. Genna was about to run to aid her sister but I stopped her wanting to test the two first.

The eagle landed a few feet behind Gemma transforming into a bull. The latter noticed and faced her opponent,   and started attacking by throwing things again however she lost her focus due to her shock with the shape-shifting ability of the girl.

Dodging everything that Gemma throw, the bull then attacked using its horns. Before the two zodiacs create more damage to one another, both Genna and I, leaped in between them, the former grabbing her twin sister away while I stop the other girl by standing in front of her releasing my aura and mind-linking her to shift back to her human form.

The bull then shifted back to a naked auburn-headed teenager with hazel brown eyes, pointy nose and red lipsticked lips. She didn’t even bother to cover herself making me think that she’s used to her abilities.

In my peripheral view I saw the twins checking each other for any wounds. Focusing back on the girl,  she looked confused.

“I saw what you can do and I have the answer to all the questions you have. You can come with us or we can meet here tomorrow morning.” I said guessing that she’s confused about how I was able to make her shift back to her human form.

“How can I trust you?” she then asked.

I pointed to the twins, “I look after those two and they have powers. Like you.”

She still didn’t move an inch and I realized she’s still naked. I started to remove the coat the put on before Genna and I lefty study room earlier and handed it to her.

She hesitantly take it and put it on. I then walk towards the twins to check on Gemma.

“I’ll come with you and in return you’ll answer everything I want to know.” I heard the girl said.


Genna was making sandwiches and drinks at the kitchen while I interrogate Gemma and the other girl at the living room.

"So...  How did you two end up aiming for each other's throat?" I asked breaking the silence in the room.

"That whore tried to steal my boyfriend." The girl said.

I raised an eyebrow at Gemma and she avoided my gaze confirming what the girl said.

"I suggest you fix your personal issues as soon as possible. It's not good to work with persons you don't get along with." I told both of them as Genna came in with a tray of food in hand.

"Excuse me!?" the girl protested.

"I believe you haven't done any proper introductions yet." Genna mused.

"My name is Andromeda Light. This girl here who tried to steal you boyfriend is Gemma and that's her twin Genna. Their Gemini's descendants."

"Wait! What are you talking about?!" speaking out her bewilderment.

"What I'm saying is, you are Taurus' descendant." I said making the girl more confused.


A/N: Sorry for shifting from third person to someone's POV.

It just makes me deliver the story easily.

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