Deal with a Coworker

Start from the beginning

Hoseok sneered at what Seokjin was implying and instinctively raised his hand up to his neck to cover the bruises. "I'm telling you for the last time: I did not have sex over the weekend. I don't have time for that shit." He scoffed and swiveled around in his chair until he was facing his desk again. "I would be surprised if anyone in this entire company did."

"This kid..." Seokjin muttered, shuffling about so that he was seated comfortably atop a small stack of boxes. "You don't have to go dissing everyone like that just cos you don't wanna admit you were lucky enough to get a girl. You guys dating?"

Hoseok gritted his teeth and glanced over his shoulder, giving Seokjin a hard stare. "Promise me this, hyung: I'll explain to you what the hell happened to me over the weekend when I have time, and you don't treat me like a crazy person afterward, okay?"

Seokjin made a small, concerned noise but reluctantly left the expanse of Hoseok's cubicle, but not without muttering, "This is what I get for trying to get in on some gossip."

Hoseok huffed haughtily and continued on with the task of cleaning out his office so that he could actually find what he needed, crumbling up two printed copies of events that happened a little over two years ago.

"You shouldn't be so rude to people older than you."

Hoseok shrieked at the sudden voice that came from directly in front of him, which shouldn't be possible because the only thing in front of him were stacks of paper and his computer--

No fucking way.

Warily, Hoseok peered up toward his computer screen and grimaced when he was greeted by a frowning Jimin who was pressed flush against the glass. Having gained Hoseok's attention, Jimin smiled and began to make his way back out the screen. Vivid memories of the earlier bathroom incident haunted Hoseok's mind as he rolled his chair further and further away from his desk as Jimin's body slowly made its way back into his cubicle.

In the midst of observing Jimin's painfully slow entrance into the real(?) world, Hoseok shuddered violently and gasped sharply as he began to feel Jungkook exit his shadow. As his body separated from his silhouette, the dull ache that had settled into his body flared back again into searing pain; his entire body felt as though it were on fire, as though every single pain receptor in his body were screaming out to his brain to do something. But his body could do nothing to stop the seemingly oblivious demon from making his exit, as it would be better off if he fucked off and got away from him.

Finally, after suffering a few more seconds in silent agony, Hoseok gasped in relief when he felt the last of the demon exit his shadow, body twitching as he recovered from the trauma.

"That was a dirty trick, Jungkook," Jimin muttered, now standing firmly on the floor and wiping off the nonexistent dust that clung to his clothes. "You know the effects that come with doing that to a human, so why'd you do that to hyung?"

"Yeah, why did you?" Hoseok queried, wiping away some of the drool that had dribbled out the corner of his mouth and turning his chair around so that he was facing Jungkook. "That felt like my entire body just got violated."

Jungkook morphed back into his semi-human form and cocked an eyebrow, lips turned down into a frown. "Really? That usually brings immense pleasure to humans." His eyes widened, and he brought a hand up to rub his chin. "Well, now that you mention it, there was one other person who felt great discomfort whenever I did that to him."

"Lemme guess, another one of your clients?" Hoseok prompted, leaning back into his chair and folding his arms across his chest. "Don't get how anyone can find pleasure in that."

"Er, well," Jimin spoke up, shuffling out from behind Hoseok and standing near the opening of the cubicle, "it's technically supposed to feel pleasurable for all of the demon's clients except for--"

"Except for the special ones," Jungkook finished, giving Hoseok an odd sort of look. "I had only one other client like that."

Hoseok gulped thickly and shrunk underneath the demon's stare. "What happened to them?"

Jungkook scoffed and jerked his head over to Jimin. "Dunno, ask Angle Boy over there."

"Don't you dare start calling me that," Jimin growled. "Not only is it annoying, but it's also wrong. If you're gonna call me something other than my actual name, use the correct word."

Jungkook grinned and offered Jimin an ambiguous look. "Oh, I'm using the correct word alright."

Sensing another fight (judging by the fact that Jimin was basically snarling at the amused demon), Hoseok stood from his seat and threw the two crumbled up papers he had grabbed earlier. The two beings grunted in surprise and turned their attention swiftly over to the agitated office worker.

"Great," Hoseok sighed, placing his hands on his hips. "Now that I've got your attention, you mind shutting up so that I can actually work?"

"Depends," Jungkook replied, leaning back against the cubicle wall. (Hoseok sincerely hoped that it would give way to the demon's weight soon.)

"What is it?" Hoseok snapped.

Jungkook flinched at the office worker's ferocity but quickly cleared his throat and shuffled his feet. "Um, well, you think I can help? I don't wanna sit here and do nothing all day. That's boring."

Hoseok quirked an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders. "I mean, I guess? But I don't really know how you can help; I have to catch up on what I missed from this morning and review it before finalizing and sending it over to the manager." Something between a snort and scoff escaped Hoseok's throat. "Which might not be possible since he hasn't come back from his meeting with the boss."

"But that doesn't sound all that hard?" Jimin said, his face scrunched up in confusion. "Heck, even I can do that."

Hoseok let out a hollow laugh and plopped back down into his chair, rolling backward and swiveling around toward his desk. "I've been doing this for five years. You don't get to tell me what about my job is hard and what isn't."

He peered over his shoulder and reveled in the unnerved looks that graced both Jungkook and Jimin's faces. "Just go through these papers and throw away anything that's over a year old."

And with that order, Hoseok turned back toward his computer and got to work, Jimin and Jungkook shortly following behind.

A/N - Hobi snapped.

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