Who you are (pt2)

Start from the beginning

The boy and his parents were now outside their castle. The people they had been waiting for had just teleported to their front gate. When they walked close to the family of 3, the ruler of mobs himself and a child a few years older than their son was seen. As soon as the children's locked onto one another, they instantly smiled and ran towards each other(in the prince's case, teleport). The king and queen tried stopping their son while the ruler of all mobs laughed at his nephew's actions. When the two met, they instantly connected.
"Hi," The prince said," Welcome to the End!" 
"Thanks. Whats your name?" the older boy asked.
"Enderdrone Shift. But you can call me Ender" The prince replied," And yours?"
"Slamacow. But call me Slama" the elder said.
"Hey. Lets go to my room. I can teleport us," Ender said.
"YES! I LOVE TELEPORTING!" Slama cheered," Man its a good thing my other friend isnt here. He hates teleporting."
"How come?" Ender asked grabbing Slama's arm.
"I have no idea. Even the thought of it makes him wanna throw up," Slama said as they teleported away.

"When did this happen?" Ender asked as the screen infront of him turned black.
"When you were 5. Obviously," a voice to his left said. He yelped in surprised and suddenly found himself floating upsidedown in the black abis.
"W-who are you?" he asked. The other him chuckled and floated over to him. He helped him to float right side up.
"The correct term would be we. But to answer that question," the other version of him smiled," I'm the you who got to see the outside without having to sneak out."
"What?! But how. From what i remember, ive never even got the chance to sneak out till now. My perents were always so strict about that," Ender said.
"Well. Thats true. But The actual truth is that because of a certain someone, you were able to leave the End by the time you were 6," other Ender said.
"A certain someone? Who?" Ender asked.
"Well, Slamacow of course,"

A young girl, 5 years old, sat under the bleachers in the auditorium located in the School for mobs. Yes she was a player, but it wasn't odd that an actual player went there, considering what she really was.
"Where'd the little shifter go?" She heard her attackers say. She looked through the small openings between the seats and saw a dark skinned player with black messy hair and another fair skinned one with red fire like hair. She brought her knees closer to her chest and closed her eyes tightly.
"Someone. Help me please," She whispered.
"Huh. Who the heck are you?" one of the boys said.
"Arn't you both mob shifters?" A new voice asked.
"What does it matter?" The other boy asked.
"Well, I just happened to find out that you two are Shifters, just like the person your chasing," another voice said. The girl decided to take her chances and look to see what was going on. There, she saw two brown haired boys, one wearing red and the other blue, standing infront of the boys that were chasing her.
"Hey," someone whispered in her ear. She nearly screamed. The person however prevented that by covering her mouth.
"Shhhhh. Were here to help you,"  the person said. The girl nodded reluctantly. And with that, she felt herself leaving the ground. Her stomach turned a bit but she then found herself outside the school. She was then relieved from her mouth capture and turned to face the person. It was a boy who looked about a year older then her. He had black hair with a purple highlight, purple eyes, black clothes with an enderpearl on a necklace. He also had a small crown floating above his head.
"T-thank you," she said. The boy looked at her and smiled.
"No problem," he said.
"But, what about those other..........."
"Yo Ender! You got her right?" A voice said. Both players looked in the direction and saw a the same two boys from earlier. 
"What does it look like Lion. Shes obviously right here," 'Ender' said pointing to the girl.
"You two better not start fighting again," The other brown haired boy said walking over to the girl. He looked about 4 years older than her while the other boy looked to be 2 years older then her. The eldest knelt down to the girl's level and looked her in the eye," You ok?"
"I-Im fine," the girl said," Thank you for helping me. What exactly did you do to them?"

"Something," 'Lion' said smirking.
"Yeah. Something," The eldest said," Anyway. I'm Slamacow."

"LionBlaze," Lion said.
"Enderdrone," Ender said," Whats your name?"
"Skyedagger," she replied," But my player name is Slisa."

"That happened?" Slisa yelled as her screen tuned black. 
"It did. Well, you wouldn't remember it cuz it was erased from your memory," A voice said to her side," Or should i say our memory. Slisa looked to her side and saw a complete replica of herself floating cross legged while eating popcorn. The replica shook the bag of popcorn in her direction.
"Wnat some?" she asked. Slisa nodded and took the bag.
"So. who are you?" she asked while eating popcorn.
"Well. I'm you. But call me Skye. I prefer my mob name," she said.
"Ok Skye. Why am I here. And what this thing about erased memories?" Slisa asked.
"Well. from the point you met Slama and beyond, your memories of you life had been rewritten," Skye replied.

"OK WHOS UP FOR ROUND TWO!" a 5 year old light brown haired child said holding his wooden sword high above his head. Two other dark brown haired boys were both on the ground, theirs swords just a few meters away from their hands, breathing heavily.
"Mitch. Thats round 10," One of the boys said.
"Aw common Adam lighten up," Mitch said.
"Lighten up?! Dude. You continually beat us no matter what we do. We both ganged up on you and you still beat us," The other boy said.
"Well, what else did you expect form the top PVPer in class," Mitch said," If you ask me Jordan, You all for just weak."
"Dude. Thats cold," Jordan(Sparklz) said.
"OK then. Round 11. lets see who wins then!" Adam said getting up.
"Oh Im gonna enjoy this," Mitch said.


Mitch knocked Adam's sword in the air.
"Ha. See. You two are weak," Mitch said.
"Whatever," Adam mumbled. Then a yelp of surprise was heard. All three boys eyes widened.
"Dang it. My sword!" Adam said.
"Nice going strong boy," Jordan said," Now it might have hit someone."
"Its not like i did it intentionally," Mitch protested. The bushes behind them shuffled. All the boys gulped.
"Were screwed," Jordan said.
"Gee. thanks for the heads up Captain obvious," Mitch said.
"Its Sparklz," Jordan said.
"Is.....is this yours?" a new voice asked. All three turned to look at the newcomer. It was a boy about their age with a blue and white stripped t-shirt and dark brown shorts. He had blue eyes and hair. He was holding Adam's wooden sword.
"Um...yeah. Its mine," Adam said, stepping forward. The boy did the same, handing the owner back their lost item.
"You should be careful with that next time," the boy said," It nearly hit my uncle."
"Were really sorry," Mitch said," We didn't mean for it to hurt anyone."
"Its fine. Uncle didn't mind much," the boy said," My name's Slamacow."
"Slamacow? Is that a mob name?" Jordan asked."
"Woops. I should have told you my player name," The boy said,"But yes it is. My player name is Steven."
"Well, I'm Mitch," Mitch said.
"Nice to meet you all. Lets be friends!" Slama said smiling.

"Aw, the movie is done," Adam said as the screen infront of him faded to black.
"I don't think that was a movie," Mitch said as he continued to float upside-down.
"Thats right. It wasn't," a voice said to their right. They turned and saw replicas of themselves.
"It was a memory," The Adam replica said. Mitch and Adam remained quiet for a while, but we all know who Mitch is.
"Who are you," He asked bluntly.
"Who are we," the other Mitch corrected, floating over to Mitch.
"What?" Adam asked.
"Well. Were the memories that were re written, so technically, we," the other Adam gestured between the four of them,"Are the same person."
"So, why were our memories rewritten?" Adam asked.
"Well, firstly because its our memories of us and Steven," other Mitch said.
"And secondly, because of something major that happened later down in your lives," other Adam completed.

"And that how he met all of them," Herobrine said to the people present.
"So lemme get this straight," Jerome aid," All their memories of Steven and when they first met Steven were all erased?"
"Basically?" Herobrine said sighing,
"But why? There had to be a good reason," Max said.
"There actually is," Hero said," But, before i can tell you that, Its time to go though origin stories."
"Origin stories? Well this will be interesting," Psycho said.

Slisa- Done and Done. Ill have to edit tomorrow cuz i promised a certain someone id try to get this done by tonight. I had second thoughts on this chapter, but i kept it anyway. Thanks for reading. Vote, Comment and Share this. The next chapter will come out soon!

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