A new beggining

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~Since then things between Gabi and I were awkward. We pretended like it never happened even though we knew it did. We don't talk as much. Summer days went by fast and before I knew it Im 3 months into the school year at my new school.

"Hey, it's been a while." Gabi says through the FaceTime speakers on my phone.
"I know! We have so much to catch up on!" I say excitedly back. Through the rest of the night I fill her in on my new school and schedule while she fills me in on hers.
"So any new guys I should know about?" I slyly ask raising my eyebrows up and down my forehead.
"Actually ya ... but I don't think it's the best idea for you two to meet. His name is Cole and I just don't know what we are to each other yet." She says looking back nervously at me through the screen.
I force out a giggle and quickly grab my phone.
"Why would you tell me not to do something? You know I have to do it!"
I open my Instagram and quickly feel my fingers fly across the smooth glass of my phone and type


"Seriously?! Whatever it doesn't matter anyway I told him not to respond knowing you would do this." She says firmly, believing she has outsmarted me.

Ayyyy you must be the Kenna I'm not supposed to message back

I hold back a smirk from spreading across my face but Gabi seems to already know. I laugh and watch while she rolls her eyes as I hang up. I put phone down on my bed. That's the end of talking to him. I think to myself but am rudely interrupted by the vibrating of my phone that shakes the entire bed.

Cole: I feel like we should get to know each other a bit better. You never know when we are going to need to piss off Gabi or a laugh.

Me: I agree!

Cole: so what do you want to know?

I click on his Instagram page and scroll down finding a picture of him in a Batman mask.

Me: I want to know why you have on a Batman mask.

Cole: haha I stole it from my friend! Pretty sweet right?

We keep talking and I'm learning every basic thing about him. I look up and notice the red glowing 4:30 am on my clock. I feel my eyelids begin to shut and I drift of. Somehow even having never met him, in my dreams I missed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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