Chapter 5 -Becca is Crazy

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I peer around the corner of the wall and see Becca standing at the door in nothing but shorts and a lace see through bra. What looks like 9 other girls are waiting behind her each carrying their own over night bag. Music begins to play and I hear a couple of girls start to scream while running through my house and to the pool outside. I quickly follow stripping to my underwear just as the rest of the girls did. I jump in the pool and feel the lit blue water slap against my body creating circular waves around me. Bubbles float up from around my mouth and I can hear muffled screeching as the water fills my ears. Once everyone gets in, we gather around and begin to gossip about everything we can think of from who has slept with who to stupid things we have done drunk. A rap song comes on blasting through my speaker and I see a girl start to twerk along the side of the pool.
"You don't have enough of an ass to twerk" Becca screams out. She quickly drags over a metal lawn chair making my ears cringe as it scrapes along the pavement. She props her legs onto the chair and places each hand carefully on the ground leaving her butt sticking straight up.
"This is how you twerk!" She yells as she begins to shake her but up and down. I look up to the back of my skull rolling my eyes as more girls run to join her. After about 2 minutes I feel my head begin to throb and I run inside to grab some water. I don't know why I invited people I thought to myself. The last thing I want to deal with is more people. I just want to be alone.
Without even sipping the water I turn around to see Becca. She had run in after me once she saw the upset look on my face. She walked up to me and starts to hug me. I feel those stupid tears begin to leak out of my eyes as I hug her back.

"I don't know why this is such a big deal. I don't know why I'm even crying this is all just so stupid" I say while trying to take a steady breath

" I know your going through some tough shit" She says pausing her hug to look up at me.
"Just know that everyone needs to cry sometimes to wash away the crap and to be able to see life a bit more clearly after."

I nod and think about how much that just made sense. I release from her hug and wipe away the water around my eyes.

"Can you get everyone to leave somehow? I ask jokingly.

"I mean ya! Let's have some fun with it!"
She says taking out her phone. She rapidly begins to type. I look over to see her sending a text to an unknown contact.

"What are you doing?" I feel myself get nervous. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"You'll see." She says grinning down at her phone.

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