Chapter 3- The Closet

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"Look it's the ugly duckling disguising herself as the pretty slut" he laughed out.
This is where you say something rude back! I thought to myself, but I couldn't. I felt my face go tomato red stinging with embarrassment. I just stood there burning until Kylie came to save me-or so I thought. I watch as she walks up and kisses him then looks back at me.
"Since when did you two start dating?" I asked keeping my gaze on the floor.
" Since this morning" she stated pitifully. Her eyes met mine looking at me as if I were a dying puppy.
With a quick nod I left blistering with rage. I look to my left then my right until I spot Gabi out of the corner of my eye. This is all her fault repeated in my head as I ran my way over to her feeling my feet pound against the ground. My ankles began to cramp from my heels and sores were beginning to form on my feet. I didn't care. I stopped in front of her exploding with rage. She was beginning to open her mouth to speak and then it came out of me. My shoulder swung forward and I hit her against the side of her face. Her eyes filled with tears as her cheek started to swell into the shape of a bright red hand. I couldn't tell what burned more, my hand or the guilt and regret I felt immediately after. I watched her run off to the bathrooms leaving a trail of makeup and pain behind. I looked back down at my throbbing hand astonished at what I had just done. Becca stands next to me and smiles holding two glasses of vodka. She looked up at me amused. The smell of alcohol lingered in the air around her singeing the inside of my nose.
"I think you need a drink." She says stuffing my hands with the glass
I quickly chug the bitter fluid allowing it to blanket over my tongue and fill every crevice in my cheeks. With that I take a hard swallow and enjoy the feeling as it burns its way down my throat. I feel the room start to spin and the weight I've been living with lift off my chest. The music's loud thumping overtakes my body as I stumble my way around the dance floor. I take another sip and feel my stomach contents travel up my esophagus and I quickly start to run to the bathroom but it was to late. I flung open the closest door and felt my body push violently forward as the clear devil made its way out of me. Kneeling on the floor I feel a warm breath release on the back of my neck. I rapidly fling up my head to see who had just witnessed my idiocy.
That's when I hear him.
"Oh shit!" He whispers sounding panicked

In front of me he stands tall leaning his broad shoulders against the wall behind him. I look down to see his pants around his ankles and another guy wrapped around his waist.
Without thinking I wipe my mouth on my sleeve and drag myself into the bathroom. I try to grasp my mind around what just happened but I can't. Is John gay?

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