Final Goodbyes / We Did Not Fuck in a Truck

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(Authors note// this is the finale and I really hope you enjoyed all the ups and downs of this large fanfic/story)

Eva's POV:
This morning was the last one of camp, since our parents were coming in at 12.

We all packed our things and stacked our suitcases outside our cabins to be picked up by the parents.

Stan and Wendy. Liza and Kyle. Me and Kenny. We all walked hand in hand to the mess hall followed by the others. We had cupcakes for breakfast since it was the final day.

We ate breakfast normally and went out the the campfire area to wait to be picked up. I sat with Kenny and he had his arm around me. With his other hand he stroked my hair and my cheek and kissed me.

"I'm really gonna miss you princess" he said.

"I'm gonna miss you too sexy" I told him and winked.
"Ooh I love that in a girl" he said. We both laughed.

Kyle and Liza were sitting together and kissing about something but I couldn't tell what it was. And I didn't care.

One by one people went home. Nicole, Bebe, Lola, Red, etc.

"Bye babe see you soon" said Wendy as she was picked up. Now it was just me, Kenny, Kyle, Liza, Stan, and Cartman.

Somehow aria made it back to shore and came to the waiting area with us. She sat far from us not saying anything. Liza and arias parents showed up ironically at the same time.

As Liza's parents were coming to pick her and probably me up, aria screamed,
"YOU You monster! You organized a riot and led me away!"

I guess Liza's parents were mortified when they saw Aria.

"Liza Marsetti! You did this?!" Asked her parents in shock.

"Well Eva sliced her face but I will take credit for starting a campfire revolution. SUCK MY BALLS ARIA!" Screamed Liza. "WOOO"

"Darling we made a huge mistake sending our girl to camp with this, this monster" said Liza's mom pointing at me. "They Reynolds are in Boston for a baseball game but I refuse to drive a monster home"

"Alrighty then" I said as Liza left with her family. But before she got in the car, she ran up to Kyle and made out with him.

"oh dear heavens darling our girl has a boyfriend!" Said Her dad who was clearly unhappy.

"Relax mom and dad. This is Kyle and he's smart. You'll love him" said Liza.

Now it was just me, Kenny, Stan, Cartman and Kyle.

Stan was the next one to be picked up.
"Thank you guys so much for being there for me" he said and left.

"Cmon turd!" Yelled what seemed to be his older sister.

A beaten up truck pulled up into the camp parking lot, as two figures stepped out of the car arguing. They had southern accents, and the woman was red haired and the man had a red hat that said "scotch" on it.

"Oh no" said Kenny facepalming himself. "Those are my embarrassing parents."

"It's fine Kenny atleast you actually have a ride" I said to him.

" you can come with" he said.

"You mean it?"

"Yea. It might be a bit cramped but we can always ride in the back. After all it's a pickup truck" said Kenny. Cartman's mom came to pick up Kyle and Cartman so it was just me and Kenny now.

"So, Reynolds, what do ya say?" Asked Kenny, offering me his hand. I took his hand.


We took our bags and hauled them into the back of the pickup truck and we sat there, as Kenny's mom walked up to us and said in a deep southern accent,

"Aww Kenny ya got yourself a girlfriend! So cute. Take good Care of her,  ya hear me!"

I chuckled. "Thanks Mrs. McCormick" I said. I guess Kenny's brother and sister were sitting in the back row of the beaten down truck and they pressed up their faces against the window making kissy faces and noises at us.

Kenny  and I rolled our eyes and made out right in front of them.

"Ewww gwoss" said his younger sister Karen.
His brother Kevin just rolled his eyes.

In the back of a rusty old pickup truck, we sat together, I was in his arms and he played with my hair.

"I'd play with more than your hair if my siblings weren't here" said Kenny and winked, stroking my ass.

"Oh Kenny" I said rolling my eyes in a playful way. He pulled me so close to him like never before.

"Shut up and kiss me Reynolds"

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