Lunch Drama

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Eva's POV:
Kenny McCute ass walked me to lunch as we got in line for lunch. Today it was chicken nuggets and fries.

In line I assumed Kenny was behind me so I wasn't surprised when I got my ass slapped.

"Oh Kenny I'm not surprised" I said but turned to see Clyde. "Clyde what the fUCK?!" I screamed. Kenny must've noticed so he literally attacked Clyde for that.

"No one slaps my girls ass but me" Yelled Kenny as he punched Clyde in the face. Clyde kicked him in the balls as Kenny stumbled backwards.

"That's what I thought" laughed Clyde. I was honestly terrified. I quickly grabbed my lunch and set it on my table. I walked over to kenny who was on the floor with a bloody face, holding his balls.

I kneeled down.

"Are you okay? I can walk with you to the nurse" I offered him.

"" he managed to say as he weakly got up and propped himself up against a table. Clyde approached him.

"Whatcha gonna do, McPlayer? We all know you're just trying to get in her pants" he said.

"Clyde we're fucking 10 keep it pg" I said. "And you never slap my ass again, got it?!" I yelled at him.

Kenny finally was somewhat stable, as he went in to punch Clyde, Clyde practically knocked him out with one blow. Kenny tumbled back but this time he didn't try to get up.

"Don't get in my way you hopeless perv she's mine" said Clyde and left.

I felt terrible for what just happened. I helped Kenny up and I walked out of the mess hall with him and sat him down on one of the stairs.

"You didn't have to do that for me you know" I told him.

"I was just trying to protect you" he responded.

"Thanks but look at you. You're all bloody and beaten up because of me" I sighed. I helped him back up a She limped and put his arm around me for stability and probably for other reasons.

"You're my sexy princess so why wouldn't I protect you?" He said and smiled through the pain. His nose was bleeding so I took a tissue out of my pocket and wiped the blood off his face.

I then walked him to the nurses office and I went in with him. He was given a bandaid for his cheek and was supposed to rest for like 2 hours.

"I'll be right back" I said as I left to go get him lunch. When I got to the cafeteria all eyes were on me.
"What the fuck did I do?" I asked them all. No one said a thing. I got a serving of chicken nuggets and fries and took them to Kenny.

Kenny's POV:
I gladly ate the chicken and fries she brought me and smiled at her. She was perfect. Not only did she like me back but she also cared about me. Cartman's wrong about her. She's not a hoe.

They finally let us out of the nurses office to join in the next camp wide activity: community chill. Basically we get to hang out with whoever for like an hour or so.

I still felt slightly weak but with Eva's support I was able to walk outside and find a place to sit. I put my parka hood on to try to avoid embarrassment.

"Yo dude you ok?" Asked Kyle. He walked up to me and I guess I felt a bit better.

"I'll catch you later" said Eva and left to go hang with the girls.

"Nah man not really. Clyde beat the shit out of me and I feel like Eva thinks I'm weak now. I appreciate her help and support but I feel more weak and less likely to impress her" I said.

"Dude atleast you can talk to and you've spent time with the girl you like. The girl I like barely talks" said Kyle. "If Clyde tries to beat your ass up again, I'll definitely have your back and I'm sure Stan will too. Not too sure about Cartman but don't worry about him"

"So who do you like Kyle?" I asked him.

He blushed and said, "Liza"

"You mean the quiet glasses girl?" I asked.

"Yea she's really smart and I wish I could find a way to become closer with her. She's so hard to talk to" said Kyle. "She gave me a friend ship bracelet today tho and I gave her one back"

"Well that's a start" I told him. "If you really wanna get anywhere with a girl you gotta make the first move"

"Easy for you to say" said Kyle. "All the girls think you're hot. It's not so easy for me"

"Well Kyle, you miss 100% of the shots you dont take so go for her!"

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