Chapter 1

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Word Count: 449

⚠Trigger Warning⚠


Jimin POV.

Here I Am, Sitting In My Bathroom With The Door Locked. Tears Running Down My Face And Neck While A Blade Sits In My Hand, Thoughts Going Crazy. In Just 10 Minutes I Will Know Who My Soulmate Is And I'm Scared, Knowing All I'm Gonna Do Is Dissapoint Them I Cut Along My Thighs And Wrists, Always Believing The Little Voice In My Head Saying "You Deserve Pain" "Your Fat" "Your Ugly". I Cut For 5 Minutes Then I Showered For Another 5. Then I Got Out And Dressed In One Of Yoongi Hyungs Sweatshirts And A Pair Of My Sweatpants, Going Comando Under Cause I Didn't Feel Like Wearing Boxers. I Check The Time And It's Currently 12:00am. I Look At My Wrist And My Soulmate Is....


I Was Alone So I Cried Loudly, He Was One Person I Never Wanted To Dissapoint But Him Being My Soulmate, I New The Only Thing He Would Want To Do Is Try And Get A New Soulmate. I Mean Who Would Want To Be My Soulmate? I'm Nothing Special, I Have A Little Space Because I Couldn't Think Of Anything Else To Get Rid Of Stress, I'm Fat, Ugly, And Only Deserve Pain. I Didn't Realise I Was Crying So Hard That Jin Hyung Came Into The Room And Ran Staright To Me Trying To Calm Me Down. Eventually I Calmed Down And He Asked "What's Wrong Chim?"

I Looked At Him Then Showed The Name On My Wrist And Was Careful To Make Sure He Couldn't See My Cuts, He Looked Suprised Then Hugged Me. He Said "You Know Jungkook Likes You Right? He Was So Worried Someone Else Was Your Soulmate And Issolated Himself"

I Went To Jungkook's Room. And He Was Actually Sleeping So I Tried To Leave As Quiet As Possible But He Heard Me "Jimin Hyung~" I Blushed Then Looked At Him "Yes?" "Come Here I Want Cuddles. Pweasee" I Don't Think I've Ever Blushed So Hard. I Walked Over To His Bed And Sat Down On The Edge. He Roughly Grabbed My Arm/Wrist Making Me Wince. He Looked At Me Confused Before Slowly Lifting My Sleeve, He Started Kissing Softly On The Fresh Cuts And Looked At Me "WhyJiminie? Why Would You Harm Your Beautiful Skin?" I Just Burst Into Tears, He Hurridly Grabbed My Waist And Pulled Me Into His Chest, Helping Me Calm Down, I Eventually Fell Asleep. He Moved Us So We Were Cuddling, He Was Big Spoon. I'm Just Scared To Not Only Say He's My Soulmate But Also Tell Him My Other Side.

My Little Side.

My 'Little' Soulmate |Jikook/Kookmin|Where stories live. Discover now