
I stood in front of Jesse and Charlie's apartment door, not knowing how I was even going to start the apology.

Screw it

I rang the door bell, and Jesse answered it.


Just fucking great. Is there no mercy in the world?

"Um...hi" I said trying to look everywhere except his eyes, or even his (can I just say....SUPER sexy) upper body.

"Hey" he replied, his voice sounding hoarse like he just woke up. "What can I do for you?"
I looked up and instantly saw him staring into my eyes. There was a good minute where both of us said nothing. And then, his eyes looked sad, he frowned and looked down.
"Oh umm, is Charlie in?...I just wanted to apologize for last night" I said softly.

Why wasn't he inviting me in?

" No, he went to get groceries for tonight..." He answered tiredly.

"Tonight?" I asked

"Yeah, we're having some mates from our school come over for drinks and dinner..." He's said... He then looked at my lips and spoke softly " you and Mare should come..it'll be fun" he pressed his lips together and smiled tightly.

"Yh, um okay...I guess kinda owe you for last night....which by the way..I am really sorry you had to see...it was..um...I was...We didn't mean...I forgot...." I sighed
" I forgot to lock the door" I tried saying it as a friendly "oops" moment but it came out broken.

I swallowed and looked up at Jesse who now had a blank expression on his face. When he saw me looking he smiled warmly "that's okay...mistakes happen I guess" he scratched the back of his neck looking around. Looking at everything except me.

This was getting way too awkward

" Ok..well, I should get going" I said " I'll make sure I tell Charlie myself how sorry I am." I smiled and turned around starting to head back to my apartment so I could get my car keys (to now, go and apologize to Zac)

"Yeah, don't worry about it... See you guys tonight" Jesse said tightly and then the door closed roughly.

I turned around and bit my lip looking at their door.

I still couldn't figure out why he didn't invite me inside....he usually does.

After I told Maria about tonight's get-together, I called Zac and asked him If I could come over.

So here I am, at his door, now figuring out how I should start the apology for him

When he opened the door, his eyes brightened when he saw it was me "hey you" he said smiling.

I sighed "hey"

He pushed the door in to let me come inside. I have been to Zac's apartment many times...for many things...

His apartment was a bit smaller than mine and had two rooms, he used one as a study and one as a bedroom. He had a living room with a two sets of sofas and a flat screen tv aimed at it.

I tuned around and went straight to him. I cupped his cheeks, stood on my toes and kissed him so hard, I thought I was going to lose my senses.

He grabbed my ass and pushed me closer to him, kissing me back desperately.

I broke the kiss to whisper into his mouth "you don't know how sorry I am"
He trailed kisses down to my ears and his voice hoarse "you have no reason to be sorry"

God, I didn't deserve him.

I ran my fingers through his hair and stared deeply into his eyes. " I really am sorry though"

He smiled and kissed me lightly on my lips.

" I love you so fucking much"


Sorry, haven't updated for a while.
But please don't be a ghost reader. 💋






Please comment saying if your #teamjesse or #teamzac
Lots and lots of love,
Kit Kat 😘

Also: I just started a new story called "Sex Camp" I would really love if you could give it a try, I thought about the plot for a while. Tell me what you think about it. All the love x

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