Chapter 6

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~the next morning~

"I'm telling you....we have got to get a new couch!....That couch has seen waaaay too much" Maria said groggily, walking behind me as i made cereal.

After Maria, Jesse and Charlie walked in last night.

The first to laugh/groan was Maria.

The first to swear was Charlie...(this was after he sealed his eyes shut)

But most importantly.

The first to (immediately) leave was Jesse.

After that, i didn't want to talk to anyone....including Zac.

Which was completely selfish of me, because he had bought me that beautiful necklace.

"Shut up Mare" i said annoyed.

" Fine, but let me tell you...WE ARE FOR A FACT!!! getting it dry cleaned." she said imitating a serious face, then breaking out into a smile.

i just rolled my eyes and continued to pour the milk into my bowl.

"Babe, it's not as bad as you think" Maria said seriously this time hugging my shoulders." besides, don't have great tits."

"ugh" i moaned as i turned around and hugged her properly. " i hate life"

" i just said you have great tits. and you hate life........tough crowd today for Maria" she said grinning at me.

"I should go and apologize shouldn't I?" I asked her looking at her with a Sad pout on my face.

"well. It really depends who your going to apologize to.... I mean, didn't do anything wrong Laur." She blinked.

And then I realized it.

I actually, really, literally. Didn't. Do. Anything. Wrong.

But then why was I feeling so guilty.

"But you should probably apologize to Zac, you did ditch him last night..."

"Oh yeah.." I replied "shit...I bet he thinks I'm the worlds worst girlfriend."

"What?...why should he think that?" Maria said confused.

I pulled out the necklace that was underneath my shirt and showed it to her.

She gasped when she saw it.

"Oh my god...that's- ....thats so beautiful." She whispered. "Laura....if you don't go and make out with him.....I WILL...because anyone who would buy his girlfriend either stupid, has more money than sense, or is desperately in love!"

"Well, he's mine" I grinned loving how lucky I was "and have Monsieur Charlie"

"Oh, and that reminds me" she blushed "he asked me to go out on a proper date with him last night!"

"THATS GREAT!!!" I squealed hugging her.
Honestly, Maria deserved it. She was such a nice friend and she was always there for me. " But hey, if he even breathes the wrong way near you...I will show Monsieur Charlie, why it is such a disadvantage to have balls!"

"You tell him that!" She nodded and then broke out into a wide eyed grin.

"I'm going to head over to Zac's apartment and apologize, but before I do...I think I should say sorry to Jesse and Charlie for not locking the door....not the best of sights they walked into last night" I said half laughing.

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