Chapter 1

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" why do you have to be such a tease?!" Zac asked

I was straddling him on my couch. Maria was I had the apartment all to myself.

I giggled as I trailed my finger down His stomach down to his waist.

I started swirling my finger around his belly button.

I looked up at him and saw that he was smirking at me and I bit my lip.

"God, your so fucking beautiful!" He said as he pushed me down so I was lying on my back and him on top of me. His arms were holding him up so he wouldn't crush me.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

I gladly opened my mouth and let my tongue meet his.

I arched my back, grabbed a handful of his shirt from his back and pushed him closer to me.

He tugged the hem of my shirt. I knew what that meant all to well.

Just when my shirt was nearly off the door burst open.

Maria walked in with a ton of grocery bags in her hand.

When she saw us. All of the bags were on the floor.

Me and Zac immediatley broke our make out session and gulped looking at Maria.

"Shit" she said as she broke her wide eyed stare at us and dropped to the floor to pick up the bags.

"Um...let me help you with that" i said as I pulled my shirt down and started walking towards her.

"Nope..No...Its okay...Um...Hey Zac" She said awkwardly as she looked up and waved at Zac.

"Hey Mare" Zac said as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"Your early" I stated breaking the silence.

"Unfortunately...yeah...i finished doing the groceries."

After helping Mare put all the groceries where they belonged Zac spoke.

"So babe, Im gonna head off..Ive got a huge bio essay i have got to finish up sooooo..."

"Alright" i said as i started walking with him towards the door.

"See ya Zac" Maria said as she put away the dishwashing soap.

I walked out of the apartment with Zac and closed the door behind me.

"Sorry about what happened" I said

"No need to be" he replied as he leaned in closing the space between us.

I pressed my lips to his and made it clear that next time WE WONT BE DISTURBED..

I bit his lip and let my tongue search around his mouth.

I snickered as I felt his major bulge poking me through the layers of cloth we had on.

I broke the kiss and we both gasped for air

I smirked "Yummy" i said as i looked in to his eyes.

"Love you Laur" he said as he started to walk away.

"Love you too Zac" i replied.

I watched him leave and leaned against the door.

I noticed boxes in front of the next door side from ours.

"Hmm. People Must me moving in" I thought..


Little did i know.


I walked back inside and saw Maria tapping her foot standing in front of the kitchen.

"You are so lucky..You know that?" she said.

"Hmmmm....Why is that?" i smirked.

"Because your the only girl in our whole colllege who Zac loves and wants!" she said grinning.

"Yeah, i dont understand that either." i said walking over to the fridge to get a gatorade out.

Maria rolled her eyes "Oh DONT EVEN!...You know your irresistable and gorgeous"

I looked at her and smiled "Thanks Mare"

And then it happened.

The start of all the chaos.

The one thing that unbalaced my life from all its greatness.

The one thing that made my life a mess.

The one thing that made me go crazy.




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Thanks for reading my new Story.

With all my love,


Also: I just started a new story called "Sex Camp" I would really love if you could give it a try, I thought about the plot for a while. Tell me what you think about it. All the love x

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