Part 62- The early hours of the 21st August 1972

Start from the beginning

"That was nice."

"Was it?"

She nodded.

"Can I do it again?"


He kissed her lips gently once more. To his surprise Lucy responded and returned the kisses. After a few minutes, both of them felt the heat rising. Lucy gently moved away from Paul.

"I think," She whispered softly, "that perhaps we should go back to sleep in our own beds Paul."

"OK." Paul tried to hide his disappointment.

Lucy took his hand in hers and kissed it. "I don't want to do anything we might regret in the morning Paul. Sorry."

He looked down and smiled at her. He knew what she was saying made sense. "OK." He put his cup on he bedside table. "I shift the crockery in the morning. OK with you?"

Watching him, Lucy nodded.

"Right, I'll see you in the morning. Night Lucy."

Lucy watched him walk around the room to the door. "Night Paul."

"NO! NO, don't let him die! He can't!"

"Lucy! Lucy!" Paul shook her vigorously, "Lucy, wake up, you're dreaming!"

Struggling against Lucy finally opened her eyes and clung to Paul sobbing. "James is dead! He's..." she sobbed more.

"Lucy no!" Paul held her, "Calm down!"

"How can you be so calm? Our son!" she sobbed.

Paul held her as she calmed down. "Lucy?" he asked her softly.

"What?" She looked totally bereft.

"You were dreaming."


"James. He's fine."


"It was a nightmare love. All your anxiety about yesterday coming out. Nothing more. James is safe and sound in hospital!"

"You're sure?" she began to cry again, "It seemed so real...please....check with the hospital."

Paul reached over and called the hospital. After finally being out through to the children's ward he explained the issue and listened to the person on the other end of the phone.

"Well?" Paul could see the fear in Lucy's eyes.

"He's still fast asleep, like he was when you left him earlier. James is fine sweetheart. Absolutely fine!"

"Thank God!" Lucy sagged with relief and leaned against Paul. "That God! The nightmare seemed so real! I couldn't make sense of any of it!"

Paul hugged her close to him. "I know but I promise you, he's fine!"

The remained close for a while, Lucy's sobs subsided into the odd shudder and sniffle but otherwise she was calm.

"Feeling better?"

She nodded then yawned. "I feel totally drained!"

Paul kissed her on the forehead. "I'm not surprised. Come on. Lie down and leave you to sleep." He stood up but Lucy hesitated to lie down again. "What is It?"

"I don't want to be on my own." She looked at him, "Please Paul, stay with me."

"I..." he stopped. "You really want me too?"


He returned to the bed and got in next to Lucy. "How's that?"

"OK." She hesitated, "Can I snuggle up to you?"

"If you want to, I'd like that." Paul smiled softly at her.

With Lucy cradled in his arms, he listened as her breathing told him she was falling asleep. Paul couldn't sleep though. The close proximity of Lucy was wonderful. He couldn't help wondering if this was a good sign for their marriage once more. Maybe she was going to forgive him for Hamburg. He sighed deeply.

"What's wrong Paul?" Lucy whispered.

"I thought you were asleep?"

"Snoozing." She lifted herself on to one arm and face him, "What was that enormous sigh for just now?"

"Nothing much. I was just thinking."

"Thinking? What about?"

"Bits and pieces. You and the kids. That kind of thing."

"Nice thoughts I hope." She grinned at his serious face.

"I hope so too." He kissed her on the forehead, "You should be asleep. Neither of us will be fit for anything tomorrow and we've promised to take Daniel and Mary to see James!"

"I guess." Lucy kissed him softly on the lips once more. "Night Paul. Love you."

Paul stared at her in astonishment. "Do you really? Love me?"

She kissed him again. "Yes." She slipped her arms around his neck. "There's only ever been you Paul. You know that."

His eyes filled with tears suddenly. "And I fucked it all up...DAMN IT!"

"No you haven't!" cried Lucy, "No Paul! You messed up once but you've been showing me for the last three months how much you regret it!"

"I do regret it! I'd love to be able to turn the clock back and erase it!"

She kissed him gently. "Kiss me Paul. Hold me. Love me like you used to."


"Please Paul." She pulled his mouth to hers and began to kiss him. Within seconds he responded, search her mouth with his tongue. She ran her finger through his hair and began to pull at his t shirt. "I want you naked!" she panted.

Slowly they undressed it each, kissing and caressing in a soft gentle manner that was filled with mutual love and respect. They began to make love. A slow sensual love making which brought tears to both of them and healed past hurts. Finally they climaxed together and fell asleep wrapped around each other.

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