Part 57 - June 26th 1972

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Paul answered the phone just after 10 am the following day.

"Lucy love," he called, "Phone! It's the doctor!"

Lucy came through to the hallway. "Hello?"

"Hello Mrs. McCartney. It's Dr. Johnston here."

"Oh, hello. Have you got the test results already?"

"Yes I do but I'd like you to pop in so I can discuss them with you. Can you come round immediately?"

"Is there something seriously wrong?" asked Lucy, surprised by the sudden urgency.

"Not seriously but there's things I need to discuss with you before you begin your treatment." continued the doctor, "I'd rather do that face to face please."

After finishing the conversation, Lucy put the phone down. She felt alarmed despite the doctor's reassurances that there was nothing to worry about. She walked back to Paul in the kitchen.

"You OK Lucy love?"

"I need to go to the doctor's surgery now."


"Calm down!" said Lucy, "It's nothing serious the doctor said. It's just there's some things she wants to discuss before starting my treatment."

"You're sure?"

"I think so," said Lucy, "that's what the doctor said Paul."

Arriving at the surgery, Lucy was surprised to be ushered straight through to the doctor.

"You've got me really worried!" said Lucy. "Are you sure that there's nomething seriously wrong?"

"No, no, I'm so sorry to alarm you! Your test results are back but the results are marked urgent too so I thought we could discuss them better face to face."

Lucy nodded. "So what do the tests say? I'm not pregnant am I? Please not that?"

"The pregnancy test was definitely negative Lucy. You are not pregnant!"

"Thank god for that!" She heaved a sigh of relief. "So what do the results say?"

The doctor's face changed. "You test shows that you have an infection Lucy."

"A urine infection?"

"Not urine specifically. You have Trichomoniasis." She eyed Lucy closely. "Now. I know you have some medical training Lucy. Do you know what this is?"

Lucy shook her head slowly. "I've never heard of it. What is it?"

"It's a vaginal infection Lucy."


The doctor nodded. "A sexually transmitted vaginal infection."

"Sexually transmitted?" Lucy stared at the doctor, stunned. "You mean... are you....You're telling me that... that I ...I have... VD?"

"Yes you do Lucy."

"I can't have!" said Lucy, "That's ridiculous!"

"The test has picked up the Trich infection Lucy. You had it for several weeks now."

"But how?" Lucy stuttered, "The only person I've had sex with for the last four years is Paul!" She stopped and stared at the doctor, it suddenly dawned on her. "Are you saying that ...that Paul's given me this?"

"I'm sorry Lucy, but if you're certain that you have had no other sexual partners other than your husband, then yes, Paul is the only source that could have given you the infection."

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