Part 6 - Christmas Day (cont'd)

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"Er – hem!"

Paul and Lucy broke apart and turned to find Daniel smiling at them.

"Sorry to disturb you both but I was just coming to say leave the washing up Lucy love. I'll do it."

Lucy laughed at Paul's horrified face as he shut the door behind himself. "Thanks dad!" she called. She turned to Paul. "What's the matter?"

"Your dad. He saw us!"

"So?" Lucy laughed again, "He's fine. He knows how much I like you!"

"He knows how much I like you too Lucy," whispered Paul softly, moving closer to her again, "He asked me!"

"Did he now?" Lucy moved closer.

Paul nodded. "So can I show you how much I like you?"

"Yes please!"

Once more they kissed deeply and passionately before just holding each other.

"I suppose I should go and walk Martha." said Paul reluctantly, his arms still around Lucy.

"Can I come with you?"

"I'd love you to!"

The couple collected their coats and, both now wearing their Christmas scarves, made the short walk, hand in hand, to Paul's house. Paul let her go first into the hall.

"Martha!" He called, collecting her lead from the hall stand. "Come on girl!"

Martha came racing down the stairs.

"Have you been on my bed again dog!"

Clipping the collar he picked up his car keys.

"You're taking the car?" Lucy asked, puzzled.

"I was going to take her up to Hampstead Heath. She loves it there."

The journey to Hampstead Heath was only about ten minutes. However, Paul and Lucy chatted as they drove.

"Once we get there, will you keep hold of Martha whilst I get out of the car for me Lucy?" said Paul, "Then I'll take her from you and then you can get out. She'll run off otherwise."

"No problem."

Once Martha's was safely in Paul's grip, he opened the passenger door and held his free hand to Lucy. He kept hold of her hand as they began to walk. Martha was straining on her lead.

"Do you ever let her run free Paul?" Lucy asked.

"I will once we're over this hill. I like to make sure she's well away from the car park first." They reached the brow of the hill, Martha having virtually pulled them both up it, "There you go girl!" shouted Paul, unclipping her lead.

Martha bounded free and beginning sniffing around. Paul laughed.

"She finds rabbits here but can't ever catch them. They're too fast!" He slipped his arm around Lucy's shoulder and kissed her softly on the lips. "I love how you just fit perfectly when I put my arm around you." He told her, hugging her.

They began to walk, arounds around each other, chatting as they did so. Thankfully apart from a few fellow dog walkers, no one paid much attention to the couple and being together like that felt very intimate. They reached the bottom of the hill where there was a felled log.

"Let's sit for a moment."

He held his hand out to her and Lucy joined him.

"I've really loved today Lucy. Thank you so much."

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