Part 31 - 6th October 1969

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Lucy woke early and lay in bed watching the sun pour in through the window. It was going to be an unexpectedly bright day for early October, not that the weather would affect the wedding. They were going to be indoors all day anyway! She stretched and grinned to herself. She could hardly believe that today she would become Mrs McCartney. The only down side to it all was the fact that she wouldn't be sharing her wedding night with Paul...still, they had had plenty of opportunity to 'consumate their relationship' and there would be more chances in the future. She rubbed her swollen stomach, aware that she was receiving some very vigorous kicks from the two inside. It was a nice feeling which she loved to share with Paul when she could.

There was a knock on the door then it opened. Lucy grinned as her usual midwife Sue, came into the room.

"How are you today?" she asked. "Excited?"


"Not too much though I hope," she chided, "We need to keep your blood pressure stable or the doctor might stop you getting married!"

"He wouldn't?" gasped Lucy, "Would he?"

Sue laughed. "No, I was joking!"

She busied herself with Lucy's morning observations and medication before collecting some breakfast for her.

"Matron has said that I have to help you get ready."


Sue nodded. "Actually, I'm supposed to supervise you so that there are no more fainting episodes but yes, I can help too if you want!"

"I'm not sure what to do with my hair to be honest." said Lucy, "Any ideas?"

"How does Paul like it?"

"Usually lose and long." replied Lucy, "But I was wondering whether I should have something more dressed up for today."

"I'd go for what makes you feel nice." said Sue, "And I guess it depends on what you're wearing too. I've brought my hair dryer from home for you if you need one."

Lucy nodded her thanks. Breakfast over, she used the bathroom before heading to have a shower and wash her hair. As she had everyday since Lucy has been admitted, Sue had to remain with her to ensure she was safe. Once Lucy came out of the shower, she left her alone to allow her some privacy to get dried off. Lucy returned to the main part of her room dressed in a clean nightdress. She sat on the bed and brushed her hair. Sue placed a mirror on the table in front of her.

"Right madam, what are we doing with it?"

Lucy used the mirror to explore whether to wear her hair up or down. After playing around for a time she groaned.

"I don't know what to do with it?"

"Right, calm down!" said Sue, "Getting upset isn't going to help you! If you were at home now, getting ready, what would you have do with your hair?"

"Left it lose at the back," said Lucy, "But worn it up at the sides. It's nice like that and Paul loves it!"

"So what's the problem. We can do that between up Lucy."

"You think?" Lucy looked doubtful. "I just want to look my best for Paul. It's bad enough I'm this fat without messy hair too!"

"You're not fat!" Sue was exasperated, "Sit here. I'll dry your hair for you."

Ten minutes later Lucy's hair was glossy and full of soft curls. "It's gorgeous!" she exclaimed, turning her head this way and that to get a good look. "Thank you!"

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