Part 19- 22nd February 1969.

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Their four day stay with Paul's dad seemed to pass in the blink of an eye! Lucy had been introduced to most of the family, including Paul's famous aunties who's help look after him after his mother died. They had even managed to take a tour of all Paul's old Liverpool hangouts, driven by Mike in his car with Lucy and Paul huddled in the back. She'd seen his old school, the house on Forthlin Rd and then taken a walk passed The Cavern with Angie, (whilst Paul and Mike were hiding in the car.) After many hugs and good byes, Paul and Lucy got into the car and were waved off by Jim, Angie and Ruth.

The journey back to London was fun. Once more they sang and chatted. Paul seemed in good spirits Lucy noticed, despite going back. It seemed that the break had done him a world of good, he was much more his usual optimistic self! Lucy was happy to see Paul happy once more.

Pulling into Cavendish Ave, there were the usual gangs of girls outside the house. Paul waved and grinned as they drove past and into the drive way. Between them, Lucy and Paul took their luggage back into the house. Rose greeted them cheerfully and had a meal ready for them.

"I'm just going to ring dad Paul," Lucy called from the hallway, "I want to let him know we're back!"

She headed into the living room to use the phone. She dialed the number then sat down.

"Hi dad!"


"Just wanted to tell you we're back."

"How was it?"

"Dad it was lovely. Paul's family are so nice. On one day we...."


Lucy dropped the phone and screamed.


Paul came racing into the room. "What the hell was...? Lucy, are you hurt?"

"I'm not sure," she stammered. She stood up, shaking shards of broken glass from her clothes and hair, "Something came through the window Paul." She looked terrified.

"Rose love, take Lucy into the hall and check she's OK please."

Paul looked around the room, trying to figure out what had happened. Then he saw it, half a house brick had been thrown through his window.

"What the fuck?" he muttered. He hurried out to Lucy. She was now sat on the stairs, still in shock but unharmed. "Lucy?"

"She's fine Paul." said Rose quickly, "Shaken but unhurt."

"What was it Paul?" Lucy asked softly.

He held up the half brick. "Someone threw this." He told her angrily, "I'm going to go out and see if the girls know anything about it."

"Be careful Paul!" Lucy called.

He nodded as he headed to the front door. He opened it.

"BOUT FUCKING TIME!" John pushed passed him into the hallway, Yoko at his heels. "Sorry about the window!"

"You threw the brick?" Paul was astounded. "You nearly killed Lucy for fucks sake. What ya playing at?"

"ME?" John scowled angrily at him, "Who's the fool who announced you were leaving the band? Caused all kinds of shit? Legal papers thrown at me and the lads? Klien having a fit! We all agreed we'd say nowt until this movie was done and sorted. WE ALL AGREED!"

"No John, you George and Ringo agreed. I said NO! I've said no all along! Klien is wrong for us. He's ripping us off and you lot can't see it!"

"Get your head outa ya arse Paul!" John yelled, "You're the one breaking this band up, not Klien. Back down NOW!"

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