Part 23 - 3rd April 1969

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Lucy was at her wits end. Since the call from Peter Brown, just a couple of weeks earlier, Paul had grown more and more morose and surly towards her. He refused to come into the town with her and then would criticize everything she bought, saying she was spending too much money. The truth was, Lucy was spending very frugally. She bought slightly bruised fruit and vegetables that were cheaper because they were older. She made wholesome filling soups and stews which made the most of a few ingredients without costing a fortune. The house grew colder too since Paul had stopped chopping wood each day. Trying to chop enough wood to make a fire in the living room was difficult for Lucy on her own. She soon gave up on trying to heat their bedroom, hoping the covers on the bed would be enough. It wasn't and the room soon became very chilly and the smell of damp returned. Then, to make matters worse, Paul had started knocking back whiskey again. At first she had refused to buy it, wanting to prevent the cycle she knew he would fall into and of course, worried about the cost. However, he had flown into such a rage when she returned home without it, she was too afraid not to buy it. And, as it swallowed a big chunk of their already reduced finances, Lucy began skipping meals to save money.

Eventually Lucy was running the house single handed, doing everything whilst Paul rarely got up before late afternoon. He wouldn't talk to her, wash, eat...anything. He would just demand his whiskey and drink. Driving into town to buy groceries with her meagre budget became a great escape for Lucy. She was desperately unhappy herself but was more worried about Paul and finding a way to stop him on his road to self-destruction.

It was during one such trip into the town that Lucy was given a glimpse of hope. Coming out of the greengrocers, she bumped into the local doctor. As usual he greeted her pleasantly and moved off. Lucy was headed back to the car when she heard someone call her name. She turned. It was the doctor again.

"Excuse me Mrs McCartney, but is it right that you're a trained nurse?" he asked.

Lucy smiled. "Yes, I am. Why?"

"The Cottage Hospital is desperate for night staff. I was wondering if you'd be interested in working for us?"

"I'm a children's nurse," said Lucy, "I haven't done adult care since my training."

"Nursing is nursing Mrs McCartney. I'm sure your skills would be very useful to us. Would you be interested?"

"Er, yes...thank you!"

"Excellent, excellent." The doctor smiled at her, "Why not discuss the idea with your husband and then give me a call at the surgery. We can discuss it then?"

"I will! Thank you!"

Lucy was fizzing with excitement when she returned home. To her surprise Paul was up and dressed and chopping wood when she pulled up.

"Hiya Paul love!" she called, getting out of the car and carrying her shopping into the house. She put the kettle on and made them both a cup of tea. She carried both cups outside the give Paul his and to talk. He looked up as she approached him.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Tea." She smiled at him.

"Tea?" He took it from her and drank it quickly. "You seem happy. How was town?"

"Oh, the usual except..."

"Except what?"

"Except I had a nice chat with Dr Robertson."

"What about? You're not ill?"

"No Paul love, I'm fine." She smiled at him, "He's offered me a nursing job at the Cottage Hospital. What do you Paul? It would solve our financial problems?"

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