Part 62- The early hours of the 21st August 1972

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"Stop it! Lucy, stop!" said Paul soothingly, "James is fine. He's going to recover. Daniel will be fine once he see James tomorrow! Come can't think like that!"

"I know, I know!" Lucy gave him a watery smile. "I'm being daft but..."

"Shhh." Paul hugged her, "You OK now?"

She nodded. "Except I need a drink. I'm really thirsty."

"Me too!" said Paul, "You stay here and calm down. I'll get us both a drink. Hot or cold?"

"Hot please."

He returned a few minutes later with two cups of hot chocolate and some toast. Lucy sat up in bed and sipped it.

"Oh this is lovely!" she smiled at him then patted the bed. "Come and join me!"

Paul grinned and sat on the bed leaning against the pillows and what had been his side off the bed. They ate and drank in comfortable silence.

"You know something," said Paul suddenly, "You and me sat like this, it reminds me of when James and Daniel were first brought home from hospital."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, we used to sit like this, one baby each, feeding and changing them before trying to get them both off to sleep!"

Lucy smiled. "I seem to remember they wouldn't both sleep at the same time at one point!"

"I know!" Paul laughed, "Little monsters!"

Lucy began to giggle.

"What's so funny?" asked Paul, smiling at her expression.

"I just remembered," spluttered Lucy, through her giggles, "One time when you were changing'd taken his nappy of and he decided..." she had another fit of giggles, "...and he decided to was like a fountain and went everywhere! Do you remember? We had to change his clothes, your clothes and all the sheets on our bed! It went everywhere!"

Paul laughed with her. "I seem to remember that you thought it was hilarious at the time too! You weren't the one covered in pee!"

Lucy giggled again. "It was you trying to put your hand over his penis to stop the were covered in pee!!"

Eventually the giggles from them both subsided, Paul sighed deeply.

"What's wrong?" asked Lucy.

"It seem so long ago now," said Paul, "Bringing to twins home and learning how to look after them. Seems like a different life time now."

Lucy nodded. "I suppose." She looked at him, "I guess a lot of other things have happened since then. Mary being born for a start. Then problems with you and me."

Paul looked at her. "I will always love you Lucy. I mean that. I love you and the children. You're all that matters to me. All that in Hamburg and everything, it was..."

Lucy placed her finger on his lips. "Shhh."

Paul took her hand away from his face. "I have to say it Lucy..."

"No you don't. I already know how much you regret what happened in Hamburg." She shook her head then leaned up and kissed his lips gently. "There's no more to be said about it Paul."

He looked at her in surprise. "I love you."

"I know." She smiled at him, "Despite everything, I still love you."

"You do?"

Looking up at him, she nodded. He studied her face for a moment then leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. Lucy smiled softly at him.

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