Day One Part Four

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I open my eyes slightly and I see purple...purple? I close my eyes and open them again and see her...


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"Wow. What a mess you've gotten yourself into...", She spoke.

"Heh. Yeah..." I'd smile a little.

"Are you okay, (y/n)?" She asked.

I coughed a little bit.

"Not dead so I'm good."

"What were you doing on the waterfall anyway?" She asked again.

"Steven and I were in Pearl's room and she chased us out. We had nowhere else to run."

Amethyst giggles a little. "Yeah, she doesn't like anyone in her room. Super secretive."

"I see now..." I replied, coughing a bit.

"Wait. You said Steven was with you at that time. Where is he?"

We looked out at the water and saw Steven slowly rising to the surface. He lays there, floating.

"Hey, Steven! You okay?" I yelled.

He spits a bit of water out. He then puts a thumbs up, saying, "I'm okay!"


I sit up, looking around. All I see is trash and random stuff scattered all over the place.

"Whose room is this?" I'd ask.

"I-It's mine..." Amethyst replies.


She looks away, blushing. "Yeah, yeah. I know." She walks over to her favorite pile of trash and lays on it. "It may be disgusting and unorganized but this place was designed for me so...yeah."

"I see." I replied.

She starts to dig for something. After doing that, she walks over to me. She has her hands behind her back.

"What you got there?" I asked.

"Do you really want to know?" She asked.


"F-Fine... I have this." She said as she looks away, putting something in front of me. It was coupons for free pizza at Fish Stew Pizza.


"You can have this so you can hang out with your human friends." She interrupts.

A good silent minute passes. Finally, I spoke.

"Amethyst...I don't have friends at all."

Amethyst gasps, dropping the coupons on the ground. She starts to panic.

"I'm s-so s-sorry..! I didn't mean to-"

I grab her arms softly and gently, looking into her eyes. "Amethyst. It's okay."

Crystal Love (Amethyst, Pearl, & Garnet x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now