Day One Part Two

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(Amethyst's Side 3rd POV)
Amethyst goes to her special room. She ponders to herself.

"Whoa...he seems so cute that it's breathtaking."

Her heartbeat went up a bit. Her heart might skip a beat thinking about me.

"Whoa. Calm down, Amethyst...You need to chill out."

She breathes slowly and her heartbeat slows down.

She stayed in her room until I left.

(Reader's POV)

"So...this is your temple house?" I asked.

"Yep! Let me show you around." Steven Universe said.

I got up and walked around with Steven. I walk into something pink and fell down. I got up and realized I walked into a giant pink lion. I yelped a bit.

"Why is there a pink lion in here?", I said

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"Why is there a pink lion in here?", I said. Steven reassured me, "That's just Lion...Don't worry about him, he's really nice once you get to know him"! The pink lion started rolling over. We just stared at him. Steven said, "Just don't let him know you have Lion Lickers on you". "Noted..", I said. Note to self, don't buy Lion Lickers...

I observe the house all over then I looked up at the picture next to the doorway. "Who's that?", I asked. Everybody went silent then Pearl yelled, "Like you need to know, you human scu-"! Garnet stopped her from continuing by covering her mouth. "That's my mom, Rose Quartz...", Steven said.

", Steven said

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"Is she..?"

"Yes", he answered.

I apologize for their loss. Steven continues to stare at the picture. "Is there somewhere you wanna take me?", I asked. "Sure...follow me!", he said.

(Much more development will be in the next part so stay tuned!)

Crystal Love (Amethyst, Pearl, & Garnet x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now