Ashton deserved this scholarship. I know it meant a lot to him and he would get such an amazing opportunity to play soccer at his dream college.

When the game had finished the score ended up being six to one. Yeah, I had accidentally let the ball get by me, but it was only one goal and Ashton told me not to sweat it.

Sweating was actually a main thing right now and I desperately wanted to go home and shower. I hated feel sweaty like this. It's absolutely disgusting.

"You did amazing out there." Ashton smiles as I glance over my shoulder to see the scholar guy heading our way.

"Scholar dude at six o'clock." I mutter before Ashton's name is called.

"That's me." Ashton says, turning to face the guy.

"I'm impressed with how well you played today." The guy states.

"Thank you, sir. That means a lot." Ashton swallows hard before nervously fiddling with his fingers behind his back where I could see him.

"How about you?" The guy looks over at me.

"What about me?" I ask.

"Are you interested in a soccer scholarship too?" The man asked.

"Oh, no sir." I shake my head quickly.

"You should think about it." He says before turning back to Ashton. "You'll get a letter in the mail within the next three weeks."

"Thank you, sir." Ashton smiles as the man extends his hand for Ashton to shake. He shakes it quickly before turning back to me with a wide smile.

I waited until the scholar guy was out of earshot before speaking again. "See? I told you everything would be amazing. You're doing amazing."

"You are amazing, Luke." Ashton smiles. "Thank you so much for helping out. How's your wrist? Does it hurt? Do you need ice? Have you-"

"I'm fine, Ashton!" I laugh, cutting him off. "We should celebrate this win with Chinese and movies." I smile.

Ashton nods, "yes! It's just going to be us tonight too." He hinted before running off the field with the rest of the players to get to the locker room to change.

I bit my lip, wondering just what exactly Ashton had planned.


As Ashton and I settled down to watch the first movie we had chosen--which was Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief--we silently ate our chinese and cuddled.

Yes, we were actually cuddling for the first time ever.

I just hope his parents didn't come home from their dinner early because Ashton would have a lot of explaining to do.

I didn't mind though. If Ashton confessed to his parents then that would be one less person that we would have to worry about. The only reason I was nervous about him telling his parents was because... well, what if they didn't accept him--or us--for who he was --or we are? What if they kick me out of the house? What if Ashton gets kicked out too? It was a rough thing to think, but the possibilities were endless.

"Can we try something?" Ashton says, placing his food on the table. I had already put my down a few minute ago.

"Like what?" I ask curiously, as he twists his body so that he was facing me.

He grips the front of my shirt with both his hands and pulls me closer to him, smashing his lips to mine. The grip on my shirt stayed as he laid down with me hovering over him. I used my left elbow to support my weight as he slowly let go of my shirt and brought his hands up to my face to deepen the kiss.

"Let's go upstairs." He mutters between kisses.

"Why?" I ask before kissing him again.

"Just incase someone comes home." He lets out a moan.


Ashton pushed me off of him and I fell on to the floor with a thud as we heard the front door open.

"Ashton? Luke?" Mrs. Irwin walked into the living room. "Luke? What are you doing on the floor?"

"Uh," I slowly sit up on my elbows. "It was just more comfortable?" I said it more in a questioning tone and she simply nodded once before a yawn left her lips.

"Well, Ashton, your dad and I are going to bed, so we'll see you in the morning?" She says.

"Oh mom," Ashton sits up quickly and looks at her. "Luke's going to Texas to visit his aunt for spring break. Am I allowed to go with him?"

I had told Ashton about going to my aunt's the day after she had called.

"You don't want to go to Disney?" She asks and Ashton shook his head no. "Well then, sure." She smiles. "As long as that's okay with Luke's aunt."

I nod, "she actually invited him."

"Well, spring break is closer then you think, so you should start packing soon. Do you need money for a plane ticket?" She asks.

I shake my head, "no, he's all covered."

I had secretly bought Ashton a plane ticket after he had said he wanted to go, hoping his mom would say yes.

"Okay, good, well, goodnight boys. Don't stay up to late. Your dad already headed upstairs." Mrs. Irwin smiles once more before leaving the living room.

"Sorry," Ashton mutters, "for pushing you on the floor."

"No problem." I groan, sitting up. "My back just hurts a little now."

"How about I give you a massage while we finish this movie?" He asks.

I laugh, "please?"

The Babysitter ≫ lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now