19 - The Meeting II

Start from the beginning

Persipnei had to compose herself before she was ready to answer. It wasn't like she did not know of what Aita was capable of doing, but still the image that flashed before her eyes was quite vivid to behold. "See, Indra-san; I know there is no excuse for such a crime but I guess you know a thing or two about a family's bond." She was challenging the elder of Hagoromo's sons for a reason.

His eyes narrowed considerably at the foreign woman. "Oh, of course I do. But what are you implying, my lady?"

"Persipnei dear, that's enough – "

"I just want to know if Aita is alright, too. I heard you saying my sister-in-law is just fine – which really relieves me but still I'd like to know about my cousin." She interrupted her husband.

Indra grew impatient with this insolent queen. "He's alive – hurt, beaten and imprisoned but alive."

"That's enough, Indra." Hagoromo scolded. "Bring both of them here because otherwise this is getting nowhere. We don't want to make things worse than they already are."

Indra gave his father a disapproving stare. He did not like the way Hagoromo spoke to him in front of the rulers of a foreign country. He wasn't a child chided by his parents because he had done something wrong. Maybe it really was about time the old man retired and let Indra take care of the creed's affairs.

"I suggest we continue this discussion tonight at dinner. I'm afraid your sister needs some time to recover first." Indra told Mantus who nodded in agreement. "This may be a little more convenient for the lady as well. In the meantime I will have servants arrange rooms for you and your followers so you can make yourselves comfortable."

"That sounds lovely, Indra-san." Persipnei said with a satisfied smile on her lips as she rose elegantly to her feet. "I'm too tired to discuss things further in any case. The journey was way too exhausting to continue this. And oh, I could really use a glass of wine – "

"Thank you very much for your kindness. We do appreciate it very much." Mantus interrupted his wife's nagging. "My lovely wife is just a little tired – please forgive her inappropriate behavior."

Ashura could not help the small laughter that escaped his lips but the pair was quite bemusing to him: a pampered, complaining queen and her embarrassed king. "It's quite alright, no need for apologies. I will see that someone brings you a carafe of wine, my lady."

The tall woman's beautiful face lit up. "How attentive of you!" she said, smiling as she clapped her hands. "Ashura-san is the name, isn't it?"

Ashura nodded his head in affirmation.

"Well thank you very much, my dear."

If Indra had not known how to compose himself he would have palmed his face. The whole situation verged on second-hand embarrassment not only for his brother but for that pesky woman. He wondered how Mania's brother managed to put up with a wife like that every day. Apparently, he was more than lucky to have a contented and calm woman as Shachi.

"No, not at all. Please make yourselves feel at home. As my brother said, we will discuss everything tonight at dinner." Ashura told them as he bowed a little.




The hot water enveloping her body felt like bliss after spending nearly 24 hours locked up in a cold, dimly lit cell with an annoying bastard she once called her lover. Mania enjoyed the peace and quiet devoid of Aita's nagging and teasing and threatening. If she did not know better she would have said, the man was bipolar but he was just downright insane. She really wondered what it was that made her enjoy his company back then.

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