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it's been four months since we broke up.

and this time, it's really the end of us.
which is for the best, we were toxic for each other.

i used to regret what happened to us —how it ended, and kept thinking about where i would be if it hadn't.
but i am thankful it ended the way it did.

someday there will be a possibility of us being real friends again, but i'm not depending on it as life is very unpredictable.

those feelings i've had so strongly for you these past four years are non-existent at this point. they've disappeared with time and the realization that life isn't a fantasy where everything is perfect.

i now am healed from everything that has happened to me. all the pain and struggles are gone, seemed to have never been there in the first place. i am okay again.

and even though things were complicated and confusing, thank you for everything.

i hope you're happy in your next relationship.

with all my love,

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