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meaning of life:
what is it exactly?
to find a purpose?
i've always wanted to know, the truth—why i'm here. to be known? be be loved?
in fact we'll never know, and that's the reality of it.
meaning of life, is to just live your life.
when you die you want to be proud of that you did with your precious years.
when you're old in your bed rethinking all the times you had; there's going to be embarrassing times, sad-emotional times, times you'll absolutely never ever forget.
or life can just be this existence no one knows about.
there's thousands of reasons, but we're never satisfied with any.
why is that?
pickiness? or is it just the reality of "wow i'm here because of this, what do i do now?"
because once you discover it, there's no reason to  l i v e  basically. not saying you should end anything. but why do we question everything.
it's true what they say;
"ignorance is bliss"

- deep thoughts at 3 am

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