Different Part 2

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A/N: This was requested by Reisi on Archive Of Our Own. So here it is! This will tell you how Red became blind so I hope you enjoy. 


"So what are you going to do after this place?" Green ended up asking the blind raven haired male who just shrugged in return. "Don't know, not many places will take in a blind person." He answered, making Green frown.

"Are you ready to meet my parents?" Red asked as they walked through the school gardens, Green was holding Red's arm to keep him from walking astray. "Wait what?"

"Graduation usually means parents." Red answered as he waved his other hand around in the air, making people who are walking by them give them strange looks. Green made sure to glare at every single one of them. "Well that's not a problem for me then." Green replied as he sat them down on a bench. "What do you mean? I'm not going to meet your parents?"

"Nope unless they come back to life all of a sudden you are not." The brunet replying without even realizing what he was saying until it hit him. Crap he didn't want to share that with him! "Wait what?"

"Sorry. Just forget it okay?" The smaller male snapped. Crap now he was just being mean. "Sorry." He muttered not even looking up at Red. "No it's fine." It was silent for a little bit before Red hummed. "Here, if it makes you feel better, my father calls me a disappointment to the family."

Green blinked as he looked up at Red in shock. "What!?" Red shrugged as he moved his hand in the air, Green taking it so it wouldn't hit him in the face. Why was the taller male so cute? Honestly everything he does is graceful and the way he thinks is just so ugh! "Sorry was I about to hit you in the face? Woops I thought I would have figured this out by now."

Green rolled his eyes as he smiled. "It's fine." It just gives him an excuse to hold Red's hand. "Can you tell me how your parents died?" Red asked making Green frown. "Only if you tell me how you became blind."

Red looked a little shocked at the comeback for a second making Green panic a little. Crap did he mess up again? "Deal." Blink. Blink. Wait what? Red just agreed like that? That was odd. Green just shrugged it off, this might be his only chance to hear the story so he wasn't about to waste the opportunity. Even if it brought up really bad memories.

"Well it was a car accident. I was five and we were heading to my grandfathers. I was suppose to be in school that day but I was sick with a high fever so they dragged my sister Daisy along so she could take care of me while they researched."

"Your parents were researchers?"

Green nodded then he huffed. He kept forgetting the taller male can't see him. "Yes, that's all they did. Or all I can remember they did. Anyway we were driving and my mother was fussing over me while my father was trying to calm her down. Well apparently he was so focused on her who was so focused on me that he didn't keep a good enough eyes on the road. I believe it was a head on collision, maybe.... I think?"

Red squeezed his hand, making green jump a little. Wait they were still holding hands? Blushing Green cleared his throat before he kept going. "Anyway, It's a little foggy since I was so young and sick so Daisy had to tell me the rest. But um, my parents died a quick, hopefully painless death, and she had to drag us out. We were on the side of the road for....I believe she told me about four hours before somebody found us. She told our grandfather, and since he was mourning over his only son, he blamed me for everything." Green finished, not wanting to say anymore.

Red squeezed his hand once more before brining it up, and placing a soft kiss on his wrist, Green blushing as he looked away. "Your heart is beating fast, does it upset you that much?" Red asked before he pulled away. Green blushed a deeper shade of red. Sure it did leave a bad taste in his mouth but that wasn't the reason his heart was beating fast. But he wasn't going to tell him that.

"Yeah. But it's life and I have accepted that a long time ago." Green replied before he looked back up at the blind man. "Um, what about you?" Red sighed as he looked down. "Well as you already know I was seven when I went blind." Red started as he mustered up a smile but it as quick as it came, it went away.

"I was helping my uncle pick out flowers for his wife since it was their anniversary. One of the kids in the neighbourhood hated me for some odd reason. He saw us and started throwing stones at my uncle so I stepped in. We got into a fight as little boys do, and my uncle tried to stop us. Which he did and we went home. The next day I was sent on an errand into town and that same kid found me."

Red paused and Green could tell that he was working hard to tell him the next part. Squeezing his hand, the brunet leaned his head onto Red's shoulder and felt him start to relax a little. "It's okay, take your time." He whispered making Red take a deep breath, slowly letting it out.

"He got his older brother's group to come after me. I tried to run away from them but they caught me since they were older, they grabbed me and dragged me to an empty alleyway. At first they just played games in trying to scare the shit out of me. Then one of them brought out this bomb they made, and started to scare me with that. The next thing I know there was this loud ringing in my ears and pain."

Red stopped as he trembled a bit. If Green knew it hurt him this much, he would have never asked him what happened. "Then next thing I knew I woke up only to see black. I was so scared, I had no idea what happened until the doctors told me."

Green had no idea what to say at the moment. What can he say to make it better? So instead he just hugged him, hoping that was enough comfort for this situation. He heard Red sniffle as he tried to keep the tears back, breaking Green's heart even more. "If I could have my sight back for one day, I would spent it studying you. So I will never forget what you look like." Red whispered.

Green bit his lip as he hugged the taller male even tighter. They stayed that way for a few seconds, Green hugging Red, hoping that he was giving him enough comfort while Red tried to keep himself together. Red sniffled when he pulled away. "Thank you for just being here and listening. It means a lot to me."

"Anytime. I'm always here for you." Green replied as he placed his hand on Red's cheek. The raven haired male smiled as he leaned forward stopping for a second, as Green blushed. He was so close that he had no idea what to do. Green groaned before he threw logic out the window as he just kissed him. It was short, a bit clumsy and a bit messy but it was wonderful.

Their second kiss was longer, not as clumsy, not as messy but the passion was still there. And Green finally got that kiss he wanted six months ago. Sure making out in the school's gardens where anybody could see them was a bad idea, but he really didn't care at the moment. And the way that Red was taking control of the kisses showed Green that he didn't care either.

When the kisses finally died down, it wasn't awkward surprisingly. Sure they both blushed and Red did ask him out, but it was if they have done this before. Huh that was the odd part but they really didn't dwell on it for to long. Nah instead they just went with the flow.

The only awkward thing in their relationship was when Green met Red's parents. But that is another story for another time. 

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