Alpha Part Two

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A/N: Here is part two! I don't know if I should make a third part or not...... well I hope you enjoy!


After getting the a grand tour of the middle sized two story high home, he moved in. His room was a nice size and he was allowed to go to school now thanks to a month of really good therapy. But Red still didn't know how he felt about the little omega known as Green. He was so strange and quiet, he seemed like he hated the world but Red knew he didn't.

Green avoided him for a good solid three weeks (One week he was at Daisy's for his heat) until his mom had enough of it and forced a family gathering to meet Red. That was when he heard Green speak for the first time and smile for the first time. Sitting alone, Red had jumped when the little omega sat down beside him and waited for the alpha to talk.

And you know what Red did? He blurted out the a question that had Green glaring at him. "Where is your dad?" Green was a little shocked and taken aback with that question, and it took him a while to even answer the alpha. "He's overseas. What wondering why I am nervous around you?" Red nodded as he saw Green shift uncomfortably. "I'm not use to having an alpha around the house all the time, that's all."

Ever since that faithful day, Red had been careful around Green and given him his space, which the little omega was happy for. "Red? Are you still with me?" Red shook his head and focused back on Gale who had her long fawn coloured hair down this time. "Yes, sorry about that I was thinking."

"About what?" She asked as she picked up her notebook and got her pen ready to scribble down her notes. "When I first moved into your place and all that." He said as he really didn't think she would be happy if he told her that he was thinking of her omega son. That would just look bad. "Yes, are you happy where you are?"

"Yes I really am, I just sometimes think that I am intruding." The raven haired male stated as he leaned back on the couch this time since they were doing there session in the middle of her living room. "Your not. Everyone has accepted you, even Green has." Now that got the alpha's attention. "He has?"

Gale nodded. "Yes, he told me the other day that you were different from the other alpha's, you know when to take a step back and give space while the others doesn't." Red shrugged as he thought about it. "Well, I guess you can thank my mother for that really."

"Yes, I suppose I do." Gale said with a light smile before she closed her book. "We are done with our session today." The alpha nodded as he stood up but he stopped when he saw Gale look at him with a worried expression. "Gale? You alright?" She looked away before picking up her notes. "Red, I am just worried that's all."

"About what?"

"I'm a therapist, I know how to read people just please tell me you are not thinking about my son in that way."

Red widened his eyes in horror. "No! I'm not! I am not thinking about Green in that way!" He exclaimed loudly. Gale let out a big sigh of relief as she nodded. "Ok good, thank you I just had to know." She replied before she left to go into her office. Red nodded with a blush hot on his cheeks before he quickly walked out of the room only to run into Green who was blushing as well.

"Why are you blushing?" Green asked as he looked up to glare at the alpha. "Why are you blushing?" Red shot back making Green get all flustered. "B-because you ran into me!" Green yelled with a little bit of a stutter. "Please don't tell me you heard what your mom said." Red said as he took a step back from the little omega, glad to see him relax a little after he did that. "No! I certainly was not listening!"

"That sure does sound like denial." Red said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Well it's not!" Green exclaimed as he looked down. "Green, if you want to stand up against an alpha you have to keep your head up high and look them straight in the eye." Red said as he sat down in the kitchen chair. "Wait you do?" Green asked as he moved over to sit beside the alpha. "Yes, now where you listening in?"

Green blushed and looked down. "Yes I was okay." Red closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he opened them. "Why?"

"Because mom never does any sessions at home." The little omega mumbled as he looked back up at Red. "I'm sorry, I just find my mom's job interesting." Red knew he was telling the truth since Green was always such a bad liar.

"You make it hard to stay mad at you, you know that?" Red said as he smiled and shook his head. Green giggled as he leaned back. "I never really noticed." They sat there smiling at each other before Gale walked in.

"Did I miss something?" She asked as both males looked at her. "Nope you didn't mom." Green answered as he stood up. "I need to get my art project done, so I will be in my room if you need me." He said as he pointed behind him before he turned on his heel and walked out of the kitchen. Gale nodded before looking at Red. "What happened?"

Red smiled as he answered. "Nothing serious that's all." Gale hummed as she walked over to the sink. "Well do what you like while I make dinner." She told the alpha as he nodded and left the room. Hmmm maybe he could see what Green was up to?

Walking up to the omega's bedroom door, Red lifted his hand and gave it a couple of taps and waited for the little omega to open the door. Red looked up when he heard the doorknob turn and the door swung open, revealing Green with a paintbrush in his hand and a very strong omega scent. "Red? Did you need something?"

"I was wondering if I could see your art?" Red asked as he took a deep breath. Green looked at him as if he grow another head. "Are you alright?" Red shook his head. "Nope, I have to go." Red said as he turned to leave but Green snapped out his hand and caught the alphas wrist. "Wait. What the hell is going on?"

"Green, I can't focus with your bed room door open." Red said as he tensed up, trying to keep himself under control. "But I'm not in heat. So why?" Green went to ask but Red turned around to glare at him. "Yes, but how many times have you been in that room while you were in heat?"

Green gave him a confused look until he blushed. "Oh my god! I'm so stupid!" Green exclaimed as he grabbed his bedroom door and slammed it shut looking back at the alpha. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that the smell could umm I am sorry I just-" Green rambled getting more flustered by the second. "I'm just going to shut up now." Green yelled as he blushed even harder.

It was a tense silence as the two tried to figure out what they could say to each other before they embarrass themselves any farther. "I just wanted to see your drawings." Red mumbled as he leaned back against the wall, trying to stay away from the omega as much as possible. Green who still had a blush on his face nodded before disappearing into his room.

Reappearing, Green handed the alpha his sketchbook so he could flip through it. Red nodded his head in thanks and sat down, making sure there was enough space for Green to sit down beside him. Green smiled back as he leaned over and flipped the book open, staying silent so Red could just flip through the pages.

"These are beautiful." Red said softly as he smiled at the art pieces. Green just shrugged and leaned his head on the alpha's shoulder while yawning. "It's just art." Green mumbled while his eyes slipped shut. "It's not just art, I never seen someone draw and paint so beautiful before, you have a talent." Red said before he heard a soft snore which caused him to smile.

Green had fallen asleep. How adorable if you asked him. 

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