“Well .. hey there Jason .. I’m … “ I didn’t let him finish and just explode.

“Your Usher! This is a dream come true.. gosh! I love you man.. ermmmm..” that sound gay right?.

“I mean I love your music and all.” I said awkwardly scratching the back of my head clearly embarrass.

He just chuckle and give me a hug. This is definitely a dream.

“Awww .. I have another Bieber that loves me.” He coos and laughing lightly. Pattie and Justin just laughs when he says that. I just froze the fact he fucking hug me.

The rest of the day was just full of watching Justin rehearse which I might say he does have talents but I don’t need to let him know that. He’s still a stupid brat for me. After we’re done, it was 8.00 p.m. everyone was exhausted and hungry. We stop by Mcdonald and straight away went to the hotel.

“Race you to the lift!” Chaz screams at Christian and Ryan. Justin was clearly not in the mood. He looks tired and just ready to head to bed like me.

“Boys! Stop running!” again Pattie is ignored by them. She walks inside holding Justin’s hand who looks like he was about to pass out. I walk the other side of her. Scooter and everyone else were behind us.

I gaps and widen my eyes as I look inside the hotel. It’s so freaking huge and it looks like a grand ball or something. This must be a 5-star hotel. No doubt that.

We stop to wait for the lift. Suddenly Justin whine. “Mom, can I use the stairs instead?” he ask. Christian, Ryan and Chaz just chuckle behind him making him glare at them. “Baby, our room is at the 25th floor. I don’t think you wanna use the stairs.” Pattie answer softly.

“Fine.” He said again sleepily. We entered the lift and Justin is suddenly wide awake clutching Pattie hand for his dear life and breathing heavily. Okay, what’s wrong with him. Pattie may have saw my confuse face.

“He’s claustrophobic. That’s why he’s like this.” She said smiling at me.

“What’s that?” I ask. Well, I never really focus when I’m in my science class, so spare me.

“He cannot be in a small space for too long. Like elevators for examples. He’ll get panic attack.” She explain to me. I just nod. Wow. This boy needs help.

When the door opens, Justin straight away runs out of the lift while his friends just laugh at him including me. After we done laughing at him, we went into the room, my mouth fell. It was so freaking big. Everything is in there. Don’t be surprise if I get lost. They all went running in, I guess they’re use to it already. My eyes went roaming through the room. After my tour with Fredo which he kindly shows me around the while laughing at every of my expression, we decide to go bed. Me, Kenny, Justin, Christian, Chaz, Ryan and Fredo all all in one room. Pattie wanted to stay with us but she decided to stay with the girls crew instead.  I fell asleep still trying to believe that this is my life now.


“Fredo .. come on man.. give me the sour patch.” Justin whine for the 5th time. Literally okay.

 “Nahhh. I don’t think I want to give you. It’s mine. So I want to eat it alone.” Fredo said smirking and eat some of the sweet making Justin groan and get up from his seat and walk to his room. He slam his door making us jump. For a stupid candy, are you for real??.

His tree idiots looks at Fredo. “ooooo .. you done it Fredo. He’s pissed.” Chaz said.

“Come on. He cant be that pissed. He knows I’m joking right. I do that all the time”. Fredo reply unsurely. “I don’t know man. He’s a bit moody today. I think he didn’t get enough sleep last night or something.” Ryan said. 

We're Brothers (Justin Bieber and Jason Mccan)Where stories live. Discover now