Manik: So shall we?? I still want u to check everything once before anyone arrives.

Nandini nodded at him and held his hand as the two walked inside. They reached inside as Nandini kept moving her eyes everywhere to see if something was missing. Soon Cabir spotted him and smiled,

Cabir: Woah.... Nandini u look amazing!

Nandini: Thanks Cabir.. U too...

Cabir: Ohh I do look Handsome Always.... But did u two like... Match up ur outfits!!

Cabir said pointing the two of them as Manik and Nandini looked at each other. Nandini noticed Manik wearing a all Black tux along with a white shirt and then realised how her white clutch and black dress matched his.

 Nandini noticed Manik wearing a all Black tux along with a white shirt and then realised how her white clutch and black dress matched his

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Cabir: Guys Is something happening, that I m not aware of??

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Cabir: Guys Is something happening, that I m not aware of??

Manik: Cabir.... Shut up!!
Manik glared at Cabir whose face turned up in a grin when Nandini took back her hand from Manik's and said,

Nandini: U guys continue, I'll go check onto the food arrangements and the bar.

And before they knew she was out of their sight. Manik turned towards Cabir still glaring at him and moved forward to say something when they heard a voice.

Mukti: There they are!!

Cabir looked behind Manik to see Fab3 along with Abhi and Navya join then.
Cabir: U guys are literally saviours... Otherwise Manik was just about to kill me.

Navya: Nothing new... I m sure u only would hv done something!

Cabir: Navya... U too!!

Manik: Navya seriously, remind me again why do u love this idiot...

Navya: Believe me Manik, I hv asked this question to myself a million times.

All of them bursted out laughing when Cabir bent forward and whispered something in Navya's ear as she turned completely red hiding her face from the others.

Mukti: And now her face clearly tells how Cabir has taken this up to a whole new dirty level.

Manik: Gosh... Guys no PDA in an official party plz... See the guests hv already started arriving.

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