Chapter 10

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"Mhm" Felix stirred in the twins grip. "He's waking up" Asher panicked looking at his twin. "He doesn't know we followed him" Asher panicked again.

Felix groaned in pain before opening his eyes. "Asher, Archer! What did I tell you? I told you not to follow me. I was fine." Archer looked away and whistled to himself. "Yeah, until bimbo shot you with an arrow" Asher said glaring at Archer.

"You shot me?" Felix asked "we thought you were someone else" Archer said. "So where are Colton and Troy?" Felix questioned.

"They went missing" Archer said. "What happened to  Spencer and Nash?" Felix asked pointing to the other two lost boys.

"They we're arguing and fell in a bush. Got poked by poison" Asher said. Felix stood up before placing his hood up grabbing his bow and arrows and bat.

"Let's go" he said leading the way. Asher and Archer followed in step of Felix. "Ash if you see Colton and Troy tell me" Felix demanded "yes Felix" Asher responded.

"Felix I found Peter!" Asher whispered. Felix nodded before directing the twins and Nash and Spencer behind the bushes.

"Back at it again I see" Felix said breaking the silence. "Where's Peter?" Felix asked Wendy. "Where you can't find him Felix" she seethed. "Tell me Wendy" Felix demanded. "Let's just say he's mine. Only mine" she growled out.

"He isn't an object Wendy. He's a person just like you. Let him go" Felix said "you know when I came to this island he was all over me. Then he out of nowhere tells me we don't click. That he doesn't like me. He likes you Felix Andre Jones. Not me, but if I can't have him neither can you" Wendy smiled sickly sweet as she held his heart.

"One wrong move and he's gone" she threatened. "I don't fight girls" Felix said "why not Felix? Why don't you fight, are you scared? Just know I won't take it easy on you" she threatened.

"Asher, we need to sneak to save Peter" Archer whispered from behind the bush. His twin nodded before the two silenly snuck into Wendy's hut to find Peter tied up a blindfold covering his eyes.

"He's out cold" Asher whispered to his other half. "What do we do?" Archer whispered. "True love's kiss" Asher whispered. "We need Felix though" Archer replied. Asher nodded "Troy and Colton!" He exclaimed in a whisper undoing the rope they were stuck in.

"Guys, Felix is trying to get in here how do we get him in but get Wendy out of her own hut?"

"Arrows!" Archer exclaimed "you have your arrows?" His twin asked earning a nod from Archer. "Douced in poison, one shot and she'll be out for a few hours" Archer explained.

"Colt, Troy and Asher you guys stay here" Archer said earning nods from the three. "Hey Wendy come get me!" Archer exclaimed. Wendy turned to see the lost boy and smiled.

"Cute" she replied disgusted "I hope you have a nice rest" Archer said harshly before shooting Wendy in the leg. She fell gasping and holding her leg before holding her head as she passed out.

"Felix, Peter's in here!" The four lost boys exclaimed. "Nash, Spencer come on we found Peter!" Felix exclaimed grabbing the boys taking them inside the hut.

"Peter!" Felix gasped as he rushed to untie Peter and take the blindfold off. "Felix, my heart. Where is it?" Peter asked coughing. "Wendy took it, said she was going to crush it" Felix said.

"How am I?" Felix laughed before showing Peter half of his heart. "You have half of my heart" he replied. "But how?" Peter asked "when I first got here you we're poisoned on the verge of death. When you were sick I gave you half of my heart so you wouldn't die" Felix explained.

Peter smiled before pulling everyone into a hug. "I'm glad to have a family" he replied kissing Felix. "Let's go back home boys" Peter smiled as they all held hands walking back to the treehouses.

My Deadly Love ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن