Bonus: My dark past

Start from the beginning

Again he kicked something in front of his foot while he went to the club. Around his shoulder he wore the sports bag, which he always carried with him when he went to the boxing training. In his mind he went through the last exercises from the training again and paid particular attention not on the way. Only when he collided with someone, he was torn from his thoughts.

"Can't you be careful, you stupid brat?" Snapped the guy he had jostled. He had brown hair that was shaved on the sides, his nose was ringed and his ears were pierced. He had a cigarette in his hand and a glass bottle of beer in the other. His two buddies looked alike, all in heavy leather jackets. Grimly, they stared at Katsuki, who raised his eyebrow. "Fuck yourself. It's not my business if you stand in my way motherfucker." The answer came promptly and the brunette grinned widely. "Aw, how cute", he said, approaching Katsuki.

"I guess mommy forgot to teach you to respect elders, didn't she, brat?" He asked, reaching for the blond, who slammed his hand directly away. "Don't touch me, stupid peace of shit", he snapped and found himself surrounded by the three of them. "He's really cute, isn't he? Like a little cocky puppy, but he needs some training. We should smash his other cheek too", the bald guy said, grinning broadly, revealing two missing teeth. The third of them, he had a crooked nose and dreadlocks, had a knife drawn and wanted attack Katsuki as his wrist was grabbed and turned backwards. "Wow, three against one. You little cocksuckers must be really weak." He heard a male voice behind the guy.

Katsuki looked confused at the guy who had shown up. He had black hair that, like his, was quite fuzzy from his head and turquoise eyes that seemed to pierce one. His right nostril was pierced, as were his ears, four on each. He also wore the face, for Katsuki very questionable spots, piercings and most of his skin looked very strange. He had a dark, purple tone, like burned and rotten flesh, reminding of that horror-filled ghoules. The piercings looked like the skin was stapled in the places where the weird color ended. Fuck that looked really cool.

The guy was dressed entirely in black and turned the guy's arm even harder so that he whimpered before he was pushed on his buddy. Immediately, the bald man attacked the black-haired, who skilfully dodged and hit his knee in the face and the blonde heard the bones cracking. Katsuki was sure that there were more teeth missing now. Bloody face, he landed on the ground and got up in shock and ran away the next moment. What a weak performance.

The other two stared briefly at the man before running away as well. "Really?", He shouted in amusement. "Now you're running like little whores? What a piece of shit!" He laughed in amusement and his piercing eyes went to Katsuki, who stiffened immediately. If the guy had the idea to attack him, he would give him the figh of his life. His kick in the face of this donkey was very impressive, but Katsuki wouldn't be intimidated by this shit. Even if something inside of him that he should be careful, even urged that he should run.

"Uh, don't show me your claws, kitten. I'm starting to shiver", he said, grinning at him in amusement, and Katsuki tensed even more. "Don't call me like that!", Katsuki growled and the turquoise eyes flashed. "Do you prefer the name dog?" He asked amused and put his hands in his pocket. "You're a rough boy, huh? Facing this motherfuckers all alone. How old are you, dwarf?" He asked, pulling out of his bag a box of cigarettes and lighting one before putting it back in his pants.

"That's none of your fucking business!", he answered and another amused laugh. "You're a little cocky one", he said and once walked around the blonde. Katsuki didn't want to show it, but he was really nervous and tense. This guy was dangerous. That's what his subconscious told him and he was breathing a little flatter. Still, he stared doggedly at the man. "Just so make things clear", the blonde started talking "You didn't help me! I could handle this asses easy on my own!", he said annoyed and the stranger just grinned. "I didn't help you", he confirmed. "I've just give some motherfuckers, I can't stand, a beauty correction. It was pure coincidence you were here at this time", he confirmed and blew Katsuki the smoke in the face, which he grimaced. "The name's Dabi. What about you kitty cat? What's your name?

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