''Wear this, so no one can figure out who you are.'' I explain and she nods.

As she makes her way to the mirror the water pool clears up, splitting into two halves just like it did for Moses and she wears them.

We both are about to make our way back to our lunch period as the bell rang five minutes ago when she stops me by holding my forearm.

''How did you figure out that I was an Atlantian?'' she asks narrowing her eyes at me.

''We had a history project or literature on super-natural realms of the world and my dad had a fascination with all of this stuff,'' I reason myself.

Not a complete lie but neither a full truth.

* * *

I enter the cafeteria with Indie by my side.

As we walk over to our normal table I find, Aiden and Winston sitting there and the table is silent.

"Hi guys?" I say but it comes out more as a question rather than a statement.

I take a seat opposite to Xavier and Indie sits next to me making her sit opposite to Nathan.

"I am Indiana," she says in a chirpy tone, "Indiana Hector."

She gets nods of acknowledgement but that is all. She shifts in her seat and I can tell that she is uncomfortable. Not just her but rather we all are.

"What's wrong?" I ask completely oblivious to anything that happened before we came.

"Nothing," Xavier says. This is the first time I have heard him speak since last night and something inside me suddenly bursts and I can't help the grin that comes to my face.

I feel happy even though he spoke to me in just a word with no 'love' or any other fancy nicknames. Even though he spoke in such a tone that made me drop the subject.

I feel content.

"So why are you so silent?" I ask even though I am supposed to drop the subject. But I never was the person who played by the rules.

"She doesn't know!" Aiden exclaims and Winston just smiles creepily.

"Know what?" I ask again my smile faltering a bit.

"He had a sister," Winston starts and the whole table shifts their head to him. He has a creepy grin on his face and Xavier's fists are clenched and his teeth are pressed together.

It's almost as if he is holding himself back.

"She died because of the simple fact that she had powers," he says his smile widening, "And partially because of the boy who claimed he loved her."

He pats Xavier on the back and I stare at him.

My mouth has gone say and I have forgotten how to speak. My eyes shift back from Xavier to Winston. My eyes hold no pity but they only hold shocked.

It makes so much more sense now. The way he knew exactly what to say when I announced that my parents died.

The way his eyes hold so much pain and agony. The way he asked me last night of what I did when I lost my parents.

Xavier abruptly gets up and leaves the camera and the table has once again become too silent for me to handle.

I start by getting up but Jordan holds my hand saying, "Let him go."

Seeing the door where he exited from, I look back and say, "If I let him go now, we might never be able to get him back."

I leave the cafeteria and I find Xavier in the parking lot. I yell out his name not once or twice but five times yet he refuse not to listen to me.

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