Chapter 34: Sense of Longing

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  Quick Recap from the Previous Chapter~

  Michael slowly brought his head over her lips and brought it down on hers. Little did he know, right at that moment, Charity had woken up.

   Charity's P.O.V.~

I used to dream like every other girl in the world that I would be kissed by a prince and wake up, however, it did not seem as pleasant as I thought it would be in real life.

Michael's kiss took me by surprise. I had just woken up from a nightmare to another one in real life. I wouldn't say he was a bad kisser but he took my first ever kiss away from me. His lips just lightly brushed against mine but for some reason, I wanted another one.

"W-What are you doing?!" I exclaimed, my hands waving wildly in front of me, causing me to hit Michael right in the face.

"Something that you'll never forget~" Liza said, her cellphone in front of her indicating that she had some sort of footage of you two kissing.

Poor Cody seemed to have turned as red as a fire hydrant while Livi was clapping like crazy in front of him and was looking away from you two.

Aoi, on the other hand, looked more pissed than I had every seen him. His eyes were glaring at Michael; the only thing I could compare it to was the same look we both gave each other when there was one cookie left.

   "SEE?? I TOLD YOU!" Livi shouted with joy. "IT ALWAYS WORKS!"

    I shook my head. I'll honestly never will understand this family..

    Michael peers down to my face, his cheeks all red too. "Why do you care so much? It's just a kiss.."

  "It's my first one though!" I protested and tried to stand up; however, I got a slight headache for some reason and started to feel dizzy. Michael helped me back down to the ground to rest.

   Aoi coughs a bit too loud for a regular cough. "That wasn't your first one actually.."

   I looked at him in confusion but Michael's back quickly blocks Aoi from my view.

  "Now isn't the time we should be discussing these things," Michael said. "We should take Charity home to rest." 

   "I can take her home!" Cody volunteered happily. Liza sneered at him.

  "You sure you could carry her?" She asked. "You look like you can lift less than me."
  Cody puffs his cheeks in annoyance. "I can do it.. Just watch me!"

  He marches over to where I was sitting and scoops me up into a princess position. Cody had done it rather easily, not that I was surprised or anything since I already knew he was athletic.

"P-Put me down!" I protested but Cody held on to me tightly.

"I won't." He said and gives me a smile take made me feel like I could forgive him for anything, even having the last ice cream in the freezer. "I'm way too behind in this game."

  "What game?" I asked, confused by his odd choice of words. "Am I missing out here or something?"

  Cody seemed to have either ignored my questions or just chose to not answer it because he began to walk out of the park slowly, cradling me between him. I must say that it was quite comfortable, well more than I would expect when I leaned against his chest.

   It felt like it had only been a minute when Cody arrived with me at my house.

  "You could put me down now," I told him and Cody agreed, looking somewhat terrified.

  "Your dad might kill me if I didn't.." Cody said, with a nervous laugh and I frowned at this.

  "That person isn't my dad." I said and Cody looked confused.

  "Are your parents divorced?" He asked me and I nodded.

  "It's more complicated than that.." I replied.

  "Do you mind if you tell me.?" He asked and I thought for a moment. Can I trust him..?

   After a few more seconds, I gave him my answer. "You might want to go somewhere else for me to tell you this story because this is a very long story.."


   Sorry that it's somewhat short..

  Anyways, please vote and comment~ Steffan Out~^.^*

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