Special Chapter, One Shot: Meeting Aoi at a Restaurant~

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  Your P.O.V.~

     "It's so hot today!" You complained as you fanned yourself with a paper fan. "Why does it have to be so hot-"

  "Because it's summer and there isn't any air conditioning in school." Your childhood friend said as he fanned himself with his hand. "The air conditioning just had to break today."

  "At least it's the last class of today.." You said. "Want to get a drink after class?"

Your friend nods. "You want to skip the last three minutes of class?"

You thought for a moment. Three minutes isn't a long time, right..? I can wait but- the heat is killing me..

"Sure," you said and packed your bags. "Let's leave."

The teacher wasn't in the room and was probably in the teacher's lounge where there was a working fan so your friend and you snuck out of school grounds.

The air was a bit cooler outside compared to the humid classroom but even so, it was hot. You could feel swear running down your back, which is disgusting.

   Your friend and you went to the local restaurant there, which was called Bon Nuit. It was really fancy in there but the prices were affordable.

"Hi! Welcome to Bon Nuit!" A cheerful yellow haired boy exclaimed. There is also hot guys working there, which is a plus!

"How many people?" He asked and you signalled two. He leads you further into the restaurant, where there was more air conditioning. He smiled knowingly as he seated you and your friend.

"I'll be back in a few moments," he said and left two menus on the table. He hurried away to do whatever he does.

"What are you getting?" Your friend asks you and you opened the menu.

"Umm.." You looked at the menu. "I'm probably going to get a strawberry banana smoothie and some chocolate cake."

"Those don't mix.." Your friend pointed out and you shrug.

The blonde boy seemed to appear out of no where with a pen and notebook.

"Are you ready to order?" He asks and you nodded.

"I'll be getting a strawberry smoothie and chocolate cake." You said and watched him scribble furiously in the notebook. You raised your eyebrow to your friend.

"I'll get a chocolate shake and a fresh fruit cake." Your friend said and you blinked. Isn't that the opposite of mine...?

   "I'll be back in a second," the blonde boy said and collected the menus. He hurries to the kitchen.

   "They have great air conditioning here." Your friend commented and you nod.

   "Aoi!" You hear a female voice said. "Go back to your table!"

  You looked past your friend to see a handsome black haired boy with black eyes coming towards your table and you decided to avert your eyes to the table cloth.

"It's fine," You heard the boy said in a kind tone. "They won't mind."

"Hey, miss?" You hear the boy, or Aoi like the girl said, and taps your shoulder. "I have a question."

"What is it?" You mumbled and you could see your friend choking from trying not to laugh. You mentally scowled at him and swore that you will get him back later.

"Would you date me. ?" He asked and you looked up to his fascinating eyes and blinked. Wait.. What.?

"Umm.." You weren't really sure what to say to 'Aoi'. "I guess.?"

He smirked and patted your head. "Thank you, umm.."

"Her/His name is (Y/N) and she/he is single." Your friend said, looking at his cuticles. Hey! No one was asking you to answer.

"(Y/N), huh?" He said. "That's a pretty name for a pretty girl/boy."

"Well, thank you (Y/N). I will be on my way then." He said and you can hear the girl yelling at him that he was an idiot and to stop bothering other customers.

"I bet you five bucks you like him." Your friend said and you blush. You couldn't deny it. It was true. I guess this is what you consider love at first sight..


This is short lol- Well that's the end to the oneshots! Now I'll go back to the chapters~

Anyways, I hoped you enjoy reading this! Please vote and comment~ Steffan Out~^.^*

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