Special Chapter, One Shot: Meeting Hansol at a Local Korean Festival

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   I was reading another story and it said the screen glitched. Then I read a comment out loud saying that their wattpad was acting funny. A second later, my iPod's screen turned black.. ().o
Your P.O.V.~

"It's the day of the Korean festival!" You cheered as you got up. You were excited for this day for a whole year because you heard that some Kpop idol group was coming. However, you didn't know who.

As you got ready, your cellphone rang from on top of your dresser.

"Hello?" You asked as you picked up your phone. Suddenly, a loud scream came from the other side of the phone. You winced and knew exactly who it was without bothering to check.

"(Y/N)! Guess what today is!" Your best friend squealed loudly.

"The Korean Festival?" You asked as you slipped on your favourite accessory.

"No.. Well that is happening," your friend said. "I saw this hot guy the other day."

You stifled a laugh. Your friend was completely boy crazy. She would tell you almost any guy she meets is hot.

  "So what does he look like this time?" You asked, trying to sound interested.

  "He's super cute," she said. "He is tall, has purple hair and purple eyes, and is super polite!"

"Wait.." You said and put my phone on speaker so you can put on your socks. "Is his hair actually purple.? And his eyes? That doesn't seem natural."

"Uh.." You can hear your friend thinking hard. "I don't exactly know..?"

"Well.." You said and pick up your phone. "I'll talk to you later because I'm going to the Korean festival now."

  "W-Wait!" Your friend cried before you can hang up the phone. "I'll go with you! We can look for that boy there together!"

  You sighed. "Fine, I'll see you there."

  You hanged up, wondering why you agreed to go with her and left you room for some breakfast. Your mother and father weren't home because they went to work about two hours ago.

  You grabbed a piece of toast and popped it into the toaster and waited for it to bake.

  When the toaster indicated it was finished, you hurried to get out the toast, then eat it and dashed out your front door.

  You hurried to lock the door, fumbling the key a bit then raced off to the park where the Korean Festival takes place.

At the Korean Festival~

  The Korean Festival was packed. There were people everywhere, eating food, playing games or just strolling around to look.

  You saw the stage, in the middle like usual. You hurried to get a seat in the front, which you were just early enough to get a seat right in the very end of the front row.

   You couldn't wait for the performers to come out and you were trembling with excitement.

    "Umm.." A foreign sounding voice spoke. "Can you okay..?"

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