Chapter 29: Getting Invited to Stay Over at Aoi's Place

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   Charity's P.O.V.~

  Crying alone in an empty park is not the best thing I'll tell you to do. As much as I felt upset, I had a creepy feeling that some pedophile would appear out of nowhere. I mean, the chances of someone kidnapping a teenaged girl, or younger, in an empty park is quite low but hey, it can still happen.

Time past slowly as I watched the sun sink out of view and the sky gradually turn black. I didn't want to go back home either, but I don't know where to go otherwise. I dried the remaining of my tears with my already soaked sleeve and got up. Sadly, I forgot that I was in the small circular tunnel and hit the top of my head.

"Ow!" I exclaimed, rubbing my head.

    "Are you alright?" A quiet voice mused. I could recognize his voice from anywhere.

   "Were you there the whole time?" I asked Aoi in disbelief. "You really should have said something."

    "And talk to you?" Aoi's eyes widen. "Yeah, right. Last time I bothered you when you were crying, you hit me in my um.."

   Aoi's face turned beet red at the memory and I'm pretty sure my face was a mirror to his. It was sort of an unpleasant memory. I had been upset because someone had bought the last signed book of my favorite author and I threw a huge tantrum.

   Aoi, who was there with me at that time, sort of pushed me down onto a bench and pinned me down. Since I was delirious and not thinking straight, I kicked him in the balls causing him to double over in pain. That made me stop crying and realized that I brought a hell ton of pain onto Aoi when he didn't deserve it.

    Aoi, being the gentleman he is, took off his jacket and placed it over my shoulders.

   "Where is the others?" I asked Aoi and he gave a nervous laugh.

   "They also went to search for you. I'll text them now that you're fine and not ballistic." He said, whipping out his phone and punches in a few words on his keyboard.

   As he closes his phone, I noticed something odd about his screen saver.

  "Aoi.." I said, in a small voice. "Why do you have a picture of us in grade four.."

    "Ah-" Aoi rubs the back of his neck out of embarrassment. "Well, it seems like a nice picture so I thought it'll be great wallpaper- y'know..?"

"I'll take you home now," he offers me a hand but I refused it.

"I don't want to go home while that.. man is there." I said and Aoi sighs.

"How about you stay at my house for the night then..?" He raises an eyebrow mischievously.

"Why not?" I said bluntly, not minding he was joking about doing weird things with me tonight since I know he won't.

Aoi barks out a laugh.

"I'll text my dad and your mom." He said and quickly texts them as well.

  "Wait, you weren't kidding?" I gaped and he blinks.

  "There's absolutely no way you're planning to go home right?"

He puts his cellphone away once again and offers me his hand once again and I accept it. His bigger and warmer hand held my cold hand.

"Shall we go?" He asked me with a breathless voice and I nod, as if I was hypnotized by his voice.


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