Chapter 8: Clarity

Start from the beginning

"O-Oh, no way? Cool!" Lance had no idea who that actor was but decide to go along with it. "I like him too." Taking a sip of his drink, Lance took his shoes off and sat next to Keith. He smiled a bit and leaned on Lance resting his head in the boys shoulder.. Aside from just having a run in with Lotor this was nice. "I've seen this a lot so just wake me if I fall asleep" It felt nice to have Keith laying on his shoulder.. Lance brought his hand on Keith's back and rubbed gently on it. "Sure. Whatever you want, Keith." He softly reply. He kissed Lances cheek and smiled a bit, "I'll try to stay up, I'm just a bit worn.." He closed his eyes and relaxed as he took time to sort though his thoughts. Smiling at that, Lance watched the movie... He tried his best to focus on the movie but he couldn't. He yawned quietly and hugged Lance laying down with him. "Is this ok?" He asked quietly. "Yeah..." Lance kissed Keith's head as he continued to gently rubbed his back. "Of course it is" He smiled a bit, Lance was so amazing.. Even after hearing all these things he still stuck by Keith and not even out if fear. Keith bit his lip a little looking up at Lance. Watching the movie, Lance moved the blanket on the bed up more to cover Keith, he knew the boy had a really long and rough day and was probably tired. "I'll be here when you wake-up, Don't you worry." He whispered softly to him. He kissed Lances cheek again quickly then laid back relaxing in Lances arms. This felt so amazing.. Keith snuggled close falling asleep quickly, just being around Lance helped him feel at ease and get to sleep faster. Blushing at that, Lance held Keith close as he felt asleep on his chest. This boy felt so soft and he looked pretty damn cute too. He watched the rest of the movie while Keith was in his arms.

          Falling asleep as well, Lance wrapped his arms around Keith's waist.. It had been awhile since had he good night rest and Keith's bed was really comfortable. Keith slept though the rest of the movie and a bit after, so about two hours. Keith shifted a little mumbling a bit as he started to wake up."Uah....K-Keith...mmm" He smiled a little and kissed Lances cheek going back to resting.  He didn't want to disturbed him.. And it was really nice just laying there. Feeling someone kissing him, Lance opened his eyes and smile lazily at Keith. "Once again, I found myself in bed with you... I better be careful or this might become an habit~" He chuckled softly and smiled. "I have nooo idea what you mean, I've never seen you before in my life. You must be thinking of some other gay vampire that has the biggest crush on you"

"Oh, Yeah?? Well, if he sexy as you are then I'm in luck" He replied, chuckling as he began to rub circles on his chest. Keith blushed a bit and laughed nuzzling Lance, "How in the hell did no one else snatch you? Like you are perfect- Anyone who can't see that must be blind as a bat" He could say the same for Keith... This boy was so unbelievably sweet and accepting. Coming closer to Keith, Lance rested his hand on his cheek. He was starting to really fall for Keith and just imagining Keith being with someone else really hurt him. "I guess I was saving myself for the right one" He bit his lip and hesitated a second before pulling Lance into a kiss. He just wanted Lance to himself and no one else. He'd do anything for this human, and he'd do anything to keep him safe and happy. He pulled back holding onto Lance tightly. "Were boyfriends now right? I just need to make sure before I do something stupid.."

"Of course your my boyfriend now. And do something stupid? Keith, you worry too much you know that?" If anyone was going to do something stupid, it probably be Lance.. "By stupid I meant I'd tell Shiro. He may blow up about it at first though.." He rubbed his neck a little, "And I want to make sure its ok with you too, that I tell him."

"Why would he blow up? D-Dose he not like humans or something?" Keith gave a little nod, "Kind of.. He just, its rough... A lot happened to him when he lost his arm and most humans have just treated him horribly" 

"I understand that I guess.. I have a close friend as well who doesn't like Vampires. Although, when she first told me that I thought she smoked too much weed. I didn't believe in supernatural beings back then and anyone who did, I thought they were nuts in the head." Keith chuckled a little, "Yeah, well its easy to hate something. Even when its not all bad.. But being hurt makes it a lot harder to see the good side. And just think, if I wasn't real you'd still be single" He hugged Lance tightly, "Over time Shiro's gotten better with humans, and he didn't kill you when you came in so that's already amazing." Hugging Keith back, Lance snuggles into him "I get it... Sometimes humans could be just as bad or even worse. I don't blame him for putting his guard up while I'm here." Keith smiled a bit, happy Lance was so understanding "Yeah.. So anything you want to do here?"

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