Healing {Chapter 33}

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A/N Sorry it's been so long I just couldn't figure out to end this chapter but after awhile I finally figured it out. Also sorry it's really short.

Archie's POV

So the plan was a go. First I would go to Sophie's house see how she was feeling then call the rest of the gang to come over and help her get back on her feet. I hoped that it wouldn't be like last time when she just stormed out of the house without saying a word.

I went up to her door took a deep breath and opened the door. "Hey Sophie are you here?" She was sitting on the couch watching t.v. She turned her head at the sound of my voice. "Oh my god Archie." She ran over to me and hugged me. It took me a second but I soon hugged her back. She looked up to me and said "Thank you for not giving up on me." "I would never give up on you." After she pulled out of the hug I called the gang and told them to come over.

Sophie's POV

I honestly wanted help but I guess I was too scared to. I was afraid that everyone would think that I was a vulnerable girl that lost her brother and just spiraled into a down ward mess, but as soon as Archie walked through the door I knew that I needed help even if in my head I didn't want it. After Archie called the gang they were there within minutes. I hugged every single one of them telling them how sorry I was for pushing them away. Then we got to it. So the healing begins.

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