Caught {Chapter 32}

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Sorry this was short I am having a lot of writers block lately and this is really all I could think of at the moment.

Archie's POV

As I stood up to go to the bathroom I saw Sophie quickly walk out of Pop's. So the gang and I ran after her but by the time we got out to the parking lot she was already in her car and driving away. So the gang and I went back into Pop's to eat our food. As we ate we talked about Sophie. "I really miss her at school." said Veronica. "Don't we all?" Jughead replied. We all nodded and ate in silence until Betty spoke up. "Guys what if we all go and help Sophie get back up on her feet no matter what." "I am so in." Veronica said. Then Jughead and I agreed so that was the plan in the morning we were going to help Sophie get back on her feet no matter what.

Sophie's POV

I saw Archie get up so I am assuming he saw me so I booked it to my car and drove away. As I was driving I saw that gang outside in my review mirror and it made me think. Why am I pushing my friends away? They want to help me. I guess that if I care for anyone other than me which I know sounds selfish but I just worry that I will get hurt just like I was when my mom and dad left and when Nathan died. 

Once I got home I just went upstairs and got in bed. I stared at the cealing for awhile when I got a text message from Archie.


I'm always here for you

Sophie <3

I know 

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