"No, that was the first time that I ever met him. But it's okay, he probably won't bother me ever again. You're a little intimidating." She told him, giggling. Jacob's eyes lit up at the familiar sound.

"Did you bring anything for lunch?" She shook her head, and Jacob frowned.

"I'll get Emily to bring you something, she'll be pissed if she finds out you're not eating anything. She always asks me if you're eating enough."

"I'll be fine, it's not that long of a shift. It's only five hours." She tried to shrug it off, but she knew that arguing with him was futile.

"Someone will bring you something, I promise. I have to go, I have patrol. I'll come by tonight. I love you." He grabbed her hand and kissed the palm of it and then placed it over his heart.

"I love you." He made her heart truly so happy. The rest of her shift went by smoothly, and Emily brought her lunch to her not long after Jacob left.

"It's homemade tomato soup. There's a grilled cheese in there too, along with a bottle of water and a blueberry muffin. Eat as much as you can." She said, handing her the lunch box. Everyone seemed to know Emily, as they walked by her, they waved. Some people looked at her scars sympathetically. It didn't seem to bother her.

Her manager came over. "Kaylee? Do you think that you could stay a few extra hours? Someone just called in." She chewed on her bottom lip nervously. She had been fine all day, she would be okay for a few more hours, she thought. The money would help her mom.

"Sure, that's fine. Can I go ahead and eat? I'm kinda hungry." She held up her lunch box. Her manager sent her on lunch and turned the light off above her register.

Emily and Kaylee went out to the park across from the store and sat down at the picnic table. Kaylee zipped her hoodie up to keep her body heat in. Fall began in two days, and the weather was starting to reflect it.

She took the soup out of the bag and grabbed the spoon Emily threw in there. She took the lid off and it was still hot and steaming. "Emily, thank you so much for bringing me this. I thought Jacob was going to have an aneurysm if I didn't eat anything." Kaylee said, tearing a piece of her grilled cheese off and dipping it in the soup to soften it up.

"I wasn't very happy with you either. You have to take care of yourself." She scolded. Kaylee took a deep breath. Nobody understood.

"I am taking care of myself. I get up and go to the doctor four days out of the week. Mondays are for chemo with radiation afterwards, and then the nutritionist is on Tuesday, and then I have radiation again on Thursday and Friday. When I'm not at the hospital, I'm with Jacob, and he's always trying to force me to eat everything in sight. And even when I'm tired and sick as a dog, I eat it because I don't want to upset him. When I'm not with him, I'm sleeping. But now I start classes in a week, and even though I'm only taking English and Anatomy, I'm terrified.

I'm terrified that I'm going to fall behind and I'm not going to be able to get my degree and I'll never be able to become a nurse. Along with that, my mom and I are almost bankrupt, so I can't really afford my classes because we can barely afford to keep our lights on. And damn it Emily, I just feel like giving up on everything." Kaylee was sobbing now. Emily moved over to Kaylee's side of the bench and wrapped her arms around the smaller girl.

"Kaylee, have you talked to Jacob about this?" She could barely breathe because she was crying so hard. She took deep, quivering breaths.

"I told him about the money problems, that was it. He's got enough on his plate." Emily rubbed Kaylee's back soothingly.

"Maybe you need to talk to him about the rest of your problems. He wants to know what goes on in your mind, I know he does. He's just like Sam." Kaylee pulled out of her hug and wiped hrt eyes furiously.

"I've just been so stressed since I found out that I was sick." She nodded.

"That's understandable. It's a hard thing to cope with. But the pack is all here for you, and so are Kim and me. The pack are like brothers. And us imprints, well, we're like sisters." That made Kaylee's eyes tear up again, and she wrapped her arms back around Emily.

"Thank you, Emily. I have to go back to work. But I'll try to call you later okay?" She kissed Kaylee's cheek.

"Bye sweetie." She packed her soup back up in the bag to take home, but she continued to munch on her sandwich. On the way back to the store, she pondered over what Emily had said.

Emily was like another mother to her. Kim was like a sister. All the guys were her brothers, and Leah was the sister that she loved to hate. Sam was like a dad. And Jacob was her best friend, the love of her life, her guardian angel.

Her Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now