What He Does When You Get Angry {Preferences}

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[I know the art has nothing to do with this but it's just so damn cool]


He usually makes some sort of excuse to take a day off from his regular Jedi duties, just to spend time with you, spoiling you to your heart's content. This normally involves wrapping you in some warm blankets, snuggling up beside you, and listening to you rant about all your problems.


The first time you showed more aggressive emotions, he honestly had no clue what to do. But eventually, he learned how to soothe you with his voice, and found out that massages really seemed to help calm you down. So every time you seem to get man, he lies you down and rolls out your shoulders.


When you began to get bothered by either what was going on in the war, or maybe even just getting teased too much by Han, Luke would be there to help, forcing you to cuddle with him despite how much work you might have to do, or how mad you truly may be. In the end, you always felt relaxed and happy while lying in his arms. He may be traditional, but you liked it that way, and he knew that.


Han was pretty clueless when it came to fixing the mood of a woman, considering he hadn't really had many serious relationships. For him, he was only in it for the pleasure, but being with you changed his mind on that. So what he would do is compliment you endlessly, even to the point where it became annoying, and make jokes about anyone or anything that was causing you to be mad. He could be a little irritating and irrational, but he cared about you, and it showed.


Of course, since Poe was almost always out on missions, he would frequently contact you with the technology of a hologram and calm you down about whatever was going on in your life, letting you take out your frustration on him, and not saying a word about it. When he was around, he'd usually distract you with a fly around the base in his X-Wing. Truly a great way to forget your troubles.


Finn, of course, was all about comforting you when the time came, even though he could seem lost at times, he always paid attention to whatever you had to say, even if he didn't fully know what was going on. Sometimes he would ask Rey for advice on what he should do, but most of his help was completely based on his knowledge of what you liked. It showed how much he listened.


As you may have guessed, Kylo helped you in a more violent way. He taught you how to use these emotions to make you more powerful in everything you did, and in your opinion, it did help summon strength, but you were nervous about what this would do in the long run, especially considering how angry he could get on his own at times. Those answers would have to be solved some other time though. For now, you would at least have him to yourself, and that was enough to keep you less worried.


Hux wasn't the best when it came to helping when you were feeling down, or even recognizing when you weren't feeling well, but slowly he was starting to catch on to your emotions and find suitable ways to deal with them. When you two fought he ended up letting you win, giving up whatever points he made just to cheer you up, a well as spending more time with you instead of constantly work. You knew he only did this for you, and it made you feel really cared for.

Darth Maul:

What he really did when you got angry was picked you up, brought you over to whatever comfortable lying space there was available, and then hugged to your side, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he stroked his hand gently down through your hair. He consistently did this until you relaxed once again. Despite how deadly he could look and act, he had a sweet side.

Boba Fett:

Boba always acted more laid back and like himself when he was around you, not that brutal hunter everyone had come to fear. And when you got angry at him, he put on all his armor, and went into his intimidation mood, letting you shout at him in ridicule at his behavior, until you ended up laughing uncontrollably in his arms, apologizing for everything you had done. He really knew how to make you smile.

[Hope this didn't suck| ̄ー ̄|]

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