Timeless Bond (Obi-Wan X Reader)

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((Suggested by @123shanno.))

"Ease up your muscles, Y/N." Obi-Wan instructs, ruining the focus you had achieved seconds ago.

That voice. You'd think that one would have gotten used to it by now. You've been training since you were a youngling, after all.

He hasn't been training you since then, but you've known him since the age of five. He was twelve, considered superior to you, both in age, and experience. Even at such a young age, you only had fond memories of him. He always possessed the calm, kind behavior of a Jedi.

His peaceful nature was tested when he took on the challenge of a padawan, someone everyone now knew as Anakin Skywalker. You could see the irritation in Kenobi's eyes whenever the mention of his padawan was mention. Though, it was also clear that he cared for the now late teenager. He cared for him so much that you barely got to spend any quality time with him.

You could deny it as many times as you wanted, but your feelings had several years to develop, and now you were certain that you cared for him. More then you would a regular friend.

"Y/N?" Obi-Wan repeated, snapping in front of your eyes, making your head quickly turn, blinking as you offer a half-hearted smile to the man beside you.

"Yes, sorry. I didn't realize I was tense." You cleared your throat, rolling your shoulders as you get ready to take on another training droid.

Kenobi crossed his arms, taken aback by your cold behavior. You may have believed that your smile was enough for him to drop his suspicions, he knew you better than that.

"How about we take a break? I think we could both use it." He suggests, offering out his hand, and upon his short glance to your saber, you begrudgingly gave it to him.

A close-mouthed smile pulled at his lips, and he walked over to one of the table-less booths surrounding a window that had a luminous view of the dark city laid out before the academy.

It didn't take long for you to join him, your muscles beginning to feel sore now that the adrenaline of battle had worn out. Sitting down wasn't sounding so bad right about now.

He scooted to the side, making an adequate amount of room for you, not wanting you to feel closed in by any means.

You couldn't help but smile while noticing this subtle act of consideration.

He's always been so thoughtful.

You sit down next to him, not close enough that you ended up brushing against his figure, but if he inched closer, your shoulders would definitely touch.

He has his hands down in his lap, gentle fingers latching onto each other as he soothes you with his mere presence. Did he manage to make everyone feel like this? You believed so. How could he not?

"Did I do anything wrong?" He abruptly asks, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between you two.

Your brows furrow, confused by the context of his inquiry. Noticing the concern in his eyes, you hurry to react verbally.

"What? No! Of course not. Why would you think that?" It was your turn to ask questions, and you weren't going to accept some sort of subject change.

"I feel like we've been...growing distant, despite my best efforts. I understand if you're just busy with training, but it feels like more then that." He explains, and you could feel the space between you growing tighter.

Not physically but, emotionally.

You weren't sure if that was a good thing or not, from a Jedi perspective.

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