An Exciting Bounty (Boba Fett X Reader, Part Four)

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You had to have been mistaken.

Boba must've had someone else hidden away in the ship, there was no way this was happening. 

Your past with Jabba was shaky, to say the least, but you never thought it would come to this. 

While you were distracted by your thoughts, you failed to catch Boba slipping a pair of magnetic cuffs around your wrists, shoving you down the ramp. 

You fall to your knees, painfully making contact with the metal ramp before, and when you peer up, once your eyes adjust to the unrelenting glare of the sun, you're met face to face, with none other than the crime lord, Jabba the Hutt. 

You scowl, having trouble not gaging at his intolerable stench. 

"Been some time, wouldn't you say Y/N?" He babbles, practically spitting on you while you kneeled in front of him

"Can't say I missed you, Jabba." You mutter but put in no effort to hide your distaste and you slowly rose to your feet.

"This one's got quite the mouth, doesn't she?" Jabba laughed while looking behind you at Boba.

He'd put on his helmet since had last glanced at him, masking any expression that might give you an idea of how he was feeling about this exchange. 

Jabba doesn't seem irked when he doesn't respond, his laughter dying down into a hearty sigh. 

 "Well, you fulfilled your part of the job, and you know I always keep my word." He motioned to the slaves walking up behind him, holding containers filled with what one could only assume was a heap of credits. 

One of the larger servants heaved it into the ship, the crate landing with a thud while Boba gave a nod of acknowledgment. 

You could've sworn his helmet froze in your direction, but as soon as you noticed, he was staring back up at Jabba. 

"I hope you haven't misunderstood our agreement," Boba says, sauntering down the ramp until he had made his way past you. 

"Of course not, my boy! This was one special occasion. You aren't bound to me whatsoever." He assures, placing a slimy hand against his arm. 

He does everything in his power not to shy away from the huttese's touch, peering down at him. 

There was a question lingering on the tip of his tongue, but his unbiased reputation could be at risk if he gave into that curiosity. 

"Do you intend on killing her?" Idiot. 

"Killing her? Why not at all! If anything, she's another addition to my collection." He answered, amused by his brutal assumption. 

Boba got a sickening feeling in his stomach at what that explanation suggested. 

"If you wanted to take a look at her again in something more scandalous, you'd be more than welcome back at the palace. It's always a pleasure doing business with you, Fett." 

Your hands squirmed in your cuffs, perhaps even more desperate to escape at this revelation. 

You shot a glare at Boba, despite not knowing if he was watching or not. You blamed him for this. 

That unfamiliar feeling of guilt dwelled inside him, only worsening at the look you gave him. 

Before he could regretfully ask another intrusive question, he marches up the ramp, leaving the slaves to deal with you, as they grab your cuffed hands, escorting you forcefully off the ramp. 

Jabba couldn't be any more pleased with how these events unfolded, sliding up next to you with what one could only assume was a grin on his face. 

"I can't wait for you to see the outfit I've prepared, my dear. It was made from the finest of silk." He coos, getting nothing more than a sideways glance from you.

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