thirty three

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Joelle's pov

"Joelle". Chaelyn sings my name as Changbin, Jisung and I walk into the home of SA.

"Chaelyn". I sing her name the same way she did for mine.

She smiles wide, "I guess it finally happened". 

"What happened?". I shake my head in confusion.

"You and Jisung are dating, duh".

"But how-".

"Changbin told me". Chaelyn laughs.

"Wow really?". I look at Changbin.

"Now we're just waiting on you two". Jisung laughs, causing a slight shade of red to appear on both Changbin and Chaelyn's faces.

"Anyways, the meeting". Chaelyn clears her throat. "It's not like our usual ones, this one is about the entrance IDs".

"What about them? Are we getting new ones?". Changbin speaks up.

"Um yeah you can say we're getting new ones....permanent ones". Chaelyn leads us to the meeting area.

"Permanent ones? Like our usual cards?". Jisung asks.

"No". Chaelyn says. "My father wants to make official ones. Everyone is getting a moon tattooed behind their right ear and must show it in order to enter SA. He says that whoever cannot go through with this tattoo must leave".

"I've never gotten a tattoo". I drag my words off.

"Neither have I but I have to get one too. We have a professional doing it, I hope you all do it because I'd hate to see any of you leave". Chaelyn gives a small smile before opening a pair of giant brown doors.

"This is our meeting room". Jisung whispers in my ear. I nod in response.

"Welcome!". Jaime yells, extending his arms as he sees us. "Did Chaelyn tell you what this meeting was about?".

"Yes she did". Jisung smiles.

"And you're all prepared? I wouldn't want to lose you three, you've turned out to be some of my best". Jaime chuckles.

"I hope we are". Changbin smiles too.

"Oh Jaime, after the meeting, will you have time for us to talk to you about something? It's important". Jisung says.

"Yes of course. Can I know what it's about?".

"It's about Park Taemin". I speak up.

Jaime practically pushes us out the doors and into his office.

"What about him? What has he done?". Jaime's eyes widen a bit.

"Tell him, Joelle". Jisung looks at me.

I sigh heavily, "This morning, I went home from spending the night at Jisung's house after we went to the party. When I got there, I talked with my roommate for a bit until we heard glass break and my other roommate comes running out saying that someone threw a rock through the window and it has a noteㅡI have the note with me right nowㅡI read the note and it was from Taemin, h-he said I wasn't safe and that I'll be seeing him soon. At that point, I got all my roommates and I out of the house. I was so scared, I didn't want any harm to come to my friends".

Tears started forming in my eyes again as I replayed the morning in my head. Jisung notices and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry that had to happen to you Joelle but can I see the note?". Jaime frowns.

I grab the folded piece of paper from my back packet and hand it to Jaime.

"Oh god". I say under my breath, causing Jisung to hold me tighter.

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