❣️Chapter 16❣️

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I kinda feel bad for lying on Cleo but I really don't. I hate her I've always been in her shadow. In school everybody liked her nobody ever thought about me. She took everything away from me Skies, X and Ski. I wanted Ski.

He's perfect. He got them big juicy sexy lips. He looked so damn fine with his durags on. We could be a power couple. Once I take some of his clout.

I saw the boys walk in. They acted normal like nothing happened. I sat beside Ski.

X: Y'all wanna play fortnite?

Ski: Yea

Robb wasn't here so I leaned my head on Ski's shoulder. The front door opened and Cleo came in. What the fuck I thought she was dead.

Lola: Ski you see Cleo too right?

I pointed at her.

Ski: I don't see nothing.

I looked over at Cleo and she was just smiling at me. She was sitting on the counter next to a glass jar. She picked it up and dropped it.

None of the boys moved or flinched.

Lola: I know y'all heard that?

X: Heard what?

Lola: That glass drop.

WiFi: I didn't hear anything.

I am going crazy? I think I'm just seeing things. I need to sleep.

Ski: Go to sleep your eyes playing tricks on you.

Lola: Can I sleep in your bed?

Ski: Whatever

I walked into his room and got naked. I want the dagger tonight. Shit wait that's Jahseh. I got unto his bed and turned over and saw Cleo. I screamed.

Cleo: Hey girl you Tryna fuck?

Lola: I thought you was dead.

Ski: Lola who are you talking too?

Lola: Cleo.

I pointed at Cleo who was beside me naked.

Ski: There's nobody there.

Lola: She's right there!

Bam: Why y'all screaming?

Ski: she said sees Cleo.

Bam: Wait I see something.

Lola: Really?

Bam: Yea a stupid dumb bitch!

I started to cry. I caused my bestfrann to die. I made her boyfriend kill her. I'm such a bad friend. I lied to these people. I'm so selfish.

Ski: Why you crying?

Lola: I'm crazy.

I saw Cleo jumped up Ski's back. He didn't move.

Cleo: Lolaaa.

Lola: Why are you here?

Cleo: You got me killed now your stuck with me forever. I read your mind I know you want Ski.

She started to kiss on his neck. How could he not feel this?

Lola: X?!

X: What?

Lola: I know you see this.

X: What? You being naked and Ski standing there?

Lola: Cleo is right there!

X: Cleo is dead! She's gone your just seeing stuff.

He walked out and Ski followed him.

I woke up the next morning and walked into the kitchen and started cooking. I didn't see no sign of Cleo or whatever that thing is.

Robb: Wassup?

Lola: Nothing.

Cleo: Aw what a lovely couple.

We turned around and saw Cleo sitting in Ski's gaming chair.

Robb: I thought she was dead?

Ski: Who?

Robb: Cleo.

Lola: She's alive.

Ski: Cleo is dead and at a funeral home. Y'all crazy.

Pump: Y'all been popping to many pills.

X: Y'all need help. I got someone for that.

Robb: I'm not crazy that girl is sitting where you are Ski!

Ski: I don't feel or see nobody.

Lola: This is a prank!

Purpp: I wish it was. Sad thing to see that Cleo died.

The doorbell rang and some people came in with.

X: Them two people over there. They're crazy they see dead people.

Robb: I'm not crazy there is someone sitting right there on top of Ski's lap.

Nurse: Sir there is nobody there.

They put us in these jackets were we couldn't move.

Nurse: Welcome to the insane asylum.

Lola: Noooooo!!!!! I'm not insane!! Ski help me.

Ski: It's better there.

Robb: That girl is right there!

They threw us in the back of a trunk. Only thing I remember is I woke up in a white room.

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